2.4D engine noise, is this normal ????



Almeria Spain
T4 PopTop
Hello Everyone

So only had my vw T4 2.4D 1992 California Westfalia a few months, fitted new cam belt & water pump, fuel filter, Brake vaccum pump, filters, oil change. Still makes the same noise it always has, does this sound normal to you all ??? She runs fine , no loss of oil or water and all is good, just seems really loud to me ??? ,,,,any ideas.

You can hear the wind in the backgroud as it was a real windy day.

Do the 2.4D engines all make this noise or am i in deep dodooo.

She's a peach :thumb
Hello Everyone

just seems really loud to me ??? ,,,,any ideas.

I found moving the volume slider to the left made it quieter!

Your engine sounds perfect, stop worrying.
It's an older fashioned diesel so that noise is quite normal. As far as I can remember our AAB engine sounded just the same and that was a 1993 model.
Sounds beautiful. Now get a turbo fitted and you'll be happier
Have one for more than 10 years now and yes, this is how they sound. Not as a modern diesel, that's for sure, more like a tractor but oh so ttustworthy. Mine's for sale now and I feal heartbroken, strange but true.
It might just be me
but it sounds like a bag of spanners.
yes, they do.
You can adjust the fuel supply a bit (make it 'richer' or how do you say it in English) which makes the engine run a little differently (and even makes it run a little bit smoother) but this is it.

VW California Club
