A Tool Kit

Thanks for the replies, it seems a can of WD40 and a roll of duct tape will cure all ills. The gas cannister weights looks very useful and the set of scales look very handy.
Love the flow chart by Broch Hunter.
Will try and park near Perfectos and Vagophile if they are carrying all that gear. Most of the small tools I carry anyway, but thanks again for the replies, hope somebody else found the relies helpful.
It is. It's also useful to tighten them. At least my simple mechanical (non digital) type is. It's quite a blunt instrument.
Sorry, I think it's me being thick and non mechanical....you said it's 'also' used to tighen them ! I thought that was all it was for ? Calimili said it wasn't for tightening bolts ??
Sorry, but I simply asked I thought a tw was used for tightening bolts, you replied 'it is, it's also useful to tighten them'. Still don't get that ! (And I know you've used as a breaker)
Sorry, but I simply asked I thought a tw was used for tightening bolts, you replied 'it is, it's also useful to tighten them'. Still don't get that ! (And I know you've used as a breaker)
Calimili has confused it, you can use a torque wrench but yo
Ok, with a torque wrench you shouldn't UNtighten bolts.
You also shouldn't tighten any bolt once the set torque has been reached, i.e. it clicks or makes some other noise to signal the set torque has been reached.
You mention "leverage" which implies using the usually longer lenght of the torque wrench to have more strenght (leverage)in tightening.
To have a relevant advantage with the torque wrench as opposed to a regular wrench, it means you are tightening bolts that need to be tighten at very high Nm, i.e. above 200Nm. And unless you are doing some serious engine work, the highest you are likely to go is 180Nm if you have to change a wheel.
Of course you could use a 300Nm torque wrench and its leverage to tighten bolt at lower than that, but i think it is not recommended to use a torque wrench and its rachet as a regular wrench. I think you should use it just for that last half or full turn of the bolt to bring it at the desired torque, not more.
Sorry if instead I have misunderstood you...

VW California Club
