A very poor show

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This my last post on the subject :headbang

I for one wish you'd not started the thread.

I don't think we need to worry about the Forum's finances unless they tell us. They seem quite commercially savvy (I seem to have both side bars full of ads tonight for the first time).
Do realise though that in order to protect the advertisers who finance 'Unique Forums', the forum owners delete posts that would save forum members money, but perhaps may draw business away from their own commercial interests (Many here paid £700+ to replace a roof computer that someone was offering to fix for £30, but his posts were removed whilst the forum owners came up with their own solutions).

I understand why they do that. It's their forum and their choice.
I think it is rather bad taste to comment how other people spend their money, unless in close family or close friends circles.
OP is a WUM. Starts a thread criticising other people and then posts to say he isnt going to answer anything thats said on his thread.

If your VIP badge makes you feel better then keep paying. If not then don't.

I paid for membership when I was buying the van as I thought the mysterious downloads might be useful (they weren't) and the VIP discounts seemed worthwhile ( I never used any of them).

There is a great deal of useful info and knowledge on here but there is also a lot of tripe. Guess which this thread is.
I have just paid to become a VIP, I have found this forum invaluable with pre and post purchase, surely £9.99 is a small sum compared to a £45k California
come-on everyone!

I left a forum because most of the posts were like this, and thankfully vwcaliclub isnt!!!!!!!!!!

if you want to join, join. if not thats fine. contribute useful stuff and help others if you can.

read useful stuff, get discounts if you want them.

CHOICE - THATS what its all about - :bananadance
The vwcaliclub is another resource and no reason not to be in both however the forum is Facebook based and just not nice to use. Can't agree that "most of the posts were like this", that is just not so.

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i didnt say which the forum was (that i left). i didnt even say it was vw or cali related. the point really being - this one is good. dont wreck it with this sort of thread.

and yes, i indeed have contributed to the thread and wished i hadnt
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VW California Club
