ACC and auto braking - do you use them?



VIP Member
East Anglia
T6.1 Coast 150
Hi. Just working my way through everyday driving things on the new Cali after a week. It's quite a bit more technically advanced than the seven year old Renault I had before - if slightly less intuitive. I've been used to normal cruise control which is great for long motorway trips UK and France. How have owners found the automatic cruise control, which I understand slows the vehicle down when you get behind someone, and the automatic emergency braking. My reaction is to disable them, but it would be good to hear of experiences, especially sudden automatic stops, if that is what it does. Many thanks.
Hi. Just working my way through everyday driving things on the new Cali after a week. It's quite a bit more technically advanced than the seven year old Renault I had before - if slightly less intuitive. I've been used to normal cruise control which is great for long motorway trips UK and France. How have owners found the automatic cruise control, which I understand slows the vehicle down when you get behind someone, and the automatic emergency braking. My reaction is to disable them, but it would be good to hear of experiences, especially sudden automatic stops, if that is what it does. Many thanks.
I use them all the time !
Miles better than standard Cruise control especially on long drives, slowing and speeding back up to match the traffic flow ahead without a single use of pedals makes a long journey less tiring and even use it around town
Hi. Just working my way through everyday driving things on the new Cali after a week. It's quite a bit more technically advanced than the seven year old Renault I had before - if slightly less intuitive. I've been used to normal cruise control which is great for long motorway trips UK and France. How have owners found the automatic cruise control, which I understand slows the vehicle down when you get behind someone, and the automatic emergency braking. My reaction is to disable them, but it would be good to hear of experiences, especially sudden automatic stops, if that is what it does. Many thanks.
Wouldn't be without it great for motorways especially roadworks.
Hi. Just working my way through everyday driving things on the new Cali after a week. It's quite a bit more technically advanced than the seven year old Renault I had before - if slightly less intuitive. I've been used to normal cruise control which is great for long motorway trips UK and France. How have owners found the automatic cruise control, which I understand slows the vehicle down when you get behind someone, and the automatic emergency braking. My reaction is to disable them, but it would be good to hear of experiences, especially sudden automatic stops, if that is what it does. Many thanks.

Chris, as with all such matters, you will get varied responses on the forum - some who love it ... and some who downright hate it.

I am in the first camp - and would not buy any vehicle without ACC. It is usually not a technical challenge but the challenge is in our minds/set methods of operations. The key is that ACC has a set of behaviours that does not change. It is consistent. If we can understand that, then it becomes a pleasure to use ... and also a safety mechanism as it is intended to.

For example, when ACC senses a vehicle, it applies the brake and slows down the van. I have also noticed that it does this up until the front of our van is 50% off centre of the vehicle in front (hope this makes sense). If too near the vehicle I just lightly keep my foot on the accelerator so that I am able to temporarily override the ACC radar. The vehicle continues without any decrease in speed (the sudden decrease in speed is one of the major beefs that people have with the ACC). Once the lane change has been completed, let go off the accelerator and ACC resumes tracking the vehicle in front.

Another example - if the vehicle in front changes lane - the van may not immediately sense the vehicle ahead of the immediate vehicle that has changed lanes. Similarly, it does not work well around roundabouts so just before reaching a round about, disengage ACC by tapping on the brake or using the buttons on the steering wheel.

Over the years, you will get a good sense of - depending on your ACC setting, when the car will start to apply brakes. You can step in at the right time.

Remember, it is not an intelligent driving feature. It is a driving assist feature.

If you understand how ACC works, and the logical constraints, it is a safety feature and makes driving a pleasure.

You cannot disable AEB. Also it does not apply 100% power, but gives an audible warning. You then can step harder on the brakes.
Good afternoon,

I also use the ACC all the time (even with my manual gears). I couldn't even imagine how much better it must be with DSG.

For my understanding the "automatic emergency brake" is something different. I believe it can be enabled / disabled in the dashboard.
I keep this switched on. It helped me once as a car came out from nowhere (on a 3x lane motorway) crossing from the very right to the left to exit the motorway. Because I didn't see the car (much to fast) I had no chance on to slam the breaks myself. Until this day I am still not sure if this was done on purpose.
Have I said all that, the "automatic emergency brake" function kicked in 4x or 5x times in the last 3,5x years. Each time it is a shock, because the van breaks (I mean - the van breaks) with little warning (but after all it is an emergency - there shouldn't be too much time beforehand. If there is, it is not an emergency).

Safe California,
Chris, as with all such matters, you will get varied responses on the forum - some who love it ... and some who downright hate it.

I am in the first camp - and would not buy any vehicle without ACC. It is usually not a technical challenge but the challenge is in our minds/set methods of operations. The key is that ACC has a set of behaviours that does not change. It is consistent. If we can understand that, then it becomes a pleasure to use ... and also a safety mechanism as it is intended to.

For example, when ACC senses a vehicle, it applies the brake and slows down the van. I have also noticed that it does this up until the front of our van is 50% off centre of the vehicle in front (hope this makes sense). If too near the vehicle I just lightly keep my foot on the accelerator so that I am able to temporarily override the ACC radar. The vehicle continues without any decrease in speed (the sudden decrease in speed is one of the major beefs that people have with the ACC). Once the lane change has been completed, let go off the accelerator and ACC resumes tracking the vehicle in front.

Another example - if the vehicle in front changes lane - the van may not immediately sense the vehicle ahead of the immediate vehicle that has changed lanes. Similarly, it does not work well around roundabouts so just before reaching a round about, disengage ACC by tapping on the brake or using the buttons on the steering wheel.

Over the years, you will get a good sense of - depending on your ACC setting, when the car will start to apply brakes. You can step in at the right time.

Remember, it is not an intelligent driving feature. It is a driving assist feature.

If you understand how ACC works, and the logical constraints, it is a safety feature and makes driving a pleasure.

You cannot disable AEB. Also it does not apply 100% power, but gives an audible warning. You then can step harder on the brakes.
I couldn’t have written this any clearer.
Absolutely perfect !
100% the ACC is a great tool.
But it takes years of practise.
Been using for 3 years prior, on a 330e.
Have to learn to use the tool to your advantage.
Number 1 for safety is that if some fool decides to suddenly brake and swerve in front of you, and you happen to look in your right hand mirror, as you know he is going to pull out in you, that split second the ACC might just save your’s and your loved ones lives !
Maybe. Depends how the ACC is feeling that day.
might do a HAL 9000 and not open the bay doors.
Just thought about a good registration mark!
Much prefer the "Comfort" setting on the ACC. Quickly discovered I drive this way, so should my ACC.
Hi. Just working my way through everyday driving things on the new Cali after a week. It's quite a bit more technically advanced than the seven year old Renault I had before - if slightly less intuitive. I've been used to normal cruise control which is great for long motorway trips UK and France. How have owners found the automatic cruise control, which I understand slows the vehicle down when you get behind someone, and the automatic emergency braking. My reaction is to disable them, but it would be good to hear of experiences, especially sudden automatic stops, if that is what it does. Many thanks.
I love ACC on motorways, it works really well. Not used it on ordinary roads.
I also love it. I do find the slowing down element on the approach to roundabouts requires a bit of trust (feels too late to me), but I've found changing the 'gap' function (or whatever it's called) helps a lot.

So normally I leave it at level 3, so the gap to the car in front if acceptable. When I knew I'm approaching a roundabout, I change it to level 5 (bigger gap), just so that it applies the brakes earlier. I do this now without thinking, not looking at button...just have the muscle memory ingrained in me.

I also use it on A roads, as it works so well.

Finally, whilst only a driver aid, it has 'saved' me at least twice. Not because I'm inattentive, but because it's reaction times are so much quicker than mine. Once because I was looking in my mirror, and once because someone pulled in front of me on a dual carriageway at the last second (I assume I was in their blind spot, or maybe they just didn't care).
ACC hater here...!!!

I’m 100% sure that two vehicles covering 200miles. Using standard cruise would give a higher average speed than using ACC.
I also feel more aware of traffic both in front and behind on standard CC because it takes a lot of awareness to use it correctly.
Which whilst driving, I actually quite like to know what’s going on around me.

Would be a great experiment...
I love it too - i also went for the magazine rack option with pipe holder and slippers store - just pop it on put your feet up - light your cigar and settle down with your campers weekly - the miles just fly by
I love it too - i also went for the magazine rack option with pipe holder and slippers store - just pop it on put your feet up - light your cigar and settle down with your campers weekly - the miles just fly by
That’s the future, right there ;) :cheers

VW California Club
