advice on buying T5 TDI 140bh 2011 conversion

The Furzleys

The Furzleys

Looking to buy
Hi - alas our budget doesn't stretch to a Cali (much as we'd love one) but wondered if you could please give us some advice re a T5 TDI 140bh 2011 conversion that we're interested in.

It has a full width rock n roll bed and no kitchen - we're quite happy with that arrangement and intend to put a slide pod in the boot.

It has a Remo pop up (no powered) roof but the warranty for that has expired.

Our questions are:

1. Is there much of a market for conversions of this type (ie full width bed, no kitchen but with the pop up roof) or are we buying something that we might find hard to sell later?

2. Are there anythings to watch out for mechanically on T5s of this age (60,000 miles, just had cam belt done).

3. It has FSH but non franchised, is that ok?

4. We've heard that there are some T5s that have a problem with excessive oil consumption - is ours of the age that can be affected by this and if so are there any warning signs to look out for? (is it an oil leak or burning oil to watch out for and if the latter is there a test I can perform to detect the issue?)

5. I'm planning on taking the van in for an MOT (even though it already has one) and asking the inspector to let me know what they think of it mechanically - is there anything I should be asking them to look at in particular, ie are there any problem areas on this age and model of T5?

6. Any other comments / advice for us?​

Thank you so much for your help which is really appreciated!

We've heard that there are some T5s that have a problem with excessive oil consumption - is ours of the age that can be affected by this and if so are there any warning signs to look out for? (is it an oil leak or burning oil to watch out for and if the latter is there a test I can perform to detect the issue?)

Right age and miles to have issue but wrong engine issues with 180's
Pop a link up to the ad/vehicle and it will be much easier to comment on the conversion. DIY/small convertor jobs are very difficult to value. I'd look at the base vehicle price and then add up what's been done and see how it fares. Only 'big name' convertors have a relatively easy to follow price ladder/resale value/depreciation curve (or whatever) as noted in your other topic with the Bilbos etc.

For what it's worth here's a very rough guideline for work done by (respected/quality) convertors to a base van:

Pop top - £3.5k
Insulate/ply line/carpet walls - £600
Floor - £150
Fit four windows £1k
Seat unit £2k

Then the usual electrics say - £500
Fridge - £500
Kitchen unit - £1000
Lighting/curtains/ - £500
Parking heater - £1200
+ upholstery, upper bed, awning, etc.

I'd work on a minimum of £12k for a conversion with decent parts (that's doing a chunk of the work yourself too).

Again, this ties in with the other topic in that there are so many considerations. New vs nearly new vs old vs self conversion etc.

One thing you will get with an older recognised big name conversion (especially the big three - VW/Westfalia/Bilbos) is knowledge of value and easy resale with minimal depreciation. The last of the T4 model have been rising for some time now. You will quite likely lose no money if you buy right and you will perhaps make a profit (like the T4 Celeste I linked last night). That is unlikely with a DIY/small convertor T5 - just search eBay and it is awash with them.

Cheaper genuine Calis are out there, something like this:

If it's a genuine factory VW Cali and you can get it closer to £20k than £25k you will surely not lose anything come resale in a few years.
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Hi Max - thank you very much for your post which I'm going to digest now - in the meantime here's the link what do you reckon? Thank you so much for your help :)

Welllllllllll...... :rolleyes: :confused: o_O it's an absolutely typical T5 self conversion in so many respects!

Not a camper - it's a day van really, cheap bed system and maybe cheap roof - bit of ply lining and carpet, lots of scratches and signs of maybe not the most caring owner in the world...

TBH it's not my cup of tea or idea of a sound buy. But regardless never consider buying anything or handing over a penny in deposit or payment without inspecting and driving it thoroughly, authenticating ownership, HPI, etc. Stick to classified ads too not auctions.

It's so easy to get excited and be in a rush to buy but there are endless VW campers out there and really I just refer back to advice in other topics and above in my post on this topic.
lots of scratches and signs of maybe not the most caring owner in the world...
I would be put off a lot by that if what you can see has signs of not a caring owner how have the bits you can't see been cared for?
Hi Max - I take your point about the scratches etc and I'll be looking to inspect it carefully - and probably do the transaction outside of ebay. It has FSH (again which I'll be looking at closely).

Side stepping that it doesn't have a kitchen (which we're happy with) do you think the price of that is about right? The roof is a Reimo (they're good I've heard, is that right?) - it's not powered though.

I would prefer a VW Cali (beach not ocean) but the one you kindly linked to is 7 years older and left hand drive and yet it's £7,750 more; it has the kitchen of course so one would need to allow (£2,500?) for that - even so it makes the conversion look like quite good value to my inexperienced mind..

If you only had circa £17-20k to spend (and were happier with a slide pod kitchen in the boot) what would you be looking for would you say?

Thanks so much, I do hope you don't mind me asking all these questions - we really appreciate your wisdom!


Hi Nick - it's not easy! So many out there. Read all the guides, search all the forums and put aside a lot of time for searching all sales avenues, so many options and if you have not had a camper before you will not always know what you need! A lot depends on your family situation, planned use etc.

The reason the one linked is the price it is is because it's a VW California, short and simple and will hold it's value. Yes, it's older but the equivalent vehicle now is £50k+. The one you linked is a basic van with.....(see post above).

Personally the idea of a slide out pod is not one that would ever work for me but that is just personal, we are all different in the way we use our campers and what suits one does not suit another. :)

I had a Beach last year and made a kitchen unit:

We've had four VW campers over 23 years including a T5 Beach, a T25 (T3) Westfalia, a T25 Leisuredrive and one I self did (T4). We've done non stop trips from one month to six months and living in a little tin box for that long soon teaches you what you need and don't need. Reliability is key, speed and luxury less important. At 20 something I was happy to rough it a bit but the wrong end of 40 something priorities change.

Personally with that money I'd look either at a T5 conversion that someone has lavished care and attention on or a late T4. Look on VWT4 forum too.

Seriously that Bilbo I linked yesterday if you can get if for £15k is an epic buy. It will only appreciate and with it's history - check out the reg too on the Government MOT data base and you will find 10 years worth of MOT inspectors thoughts - I did this last night and zero mention of any typical rust issues. T4's have a very loyal following and many consider them the last 'properly' built VW vans.

Or try and raise funds to £30k for a Beach. 2012/13 Beach prices have actually risen over the last year and the one I sold September 16 at market value is now worth more one year on!
This is one that we considered last year too - a Cali hybrid of a base van with Cali interior but non-Cali roof (a bonus to many!). It drove beautifully and a deal could have been done at £8k on this so moral of this story is keep your eyes open...
Hi again Max - that £8k on is interesting (as a priniple) - when you say it has Cali interior, is that original vw Cali interior? Can one buy that as an aftermarket item? If so that's food for thought..

If I haven't used up all my questions with you.. What do you make of this one? (based on conversations that have come of your comments here, we're now considering a kitchen rather than the slide pod - largely to get some good storage).

Thanks so much,

Cali interiors come up for sale (maybe £4K) but be vigilant as many are stolen/stripped and come in from Eastern Europe.

Again I'd steer clear of a no name/DIY conversion on a base van, five years old with 100k + miles and a remap.
I'd second the suggestion about the T4 forum, it has a T5 section too. There are some seriously useful threads on there & the T5 FB group is also very busy & scrolling back a bit will help you pick up on all the issues.

After due consideration (and some poor experiences with VW dealers) I chose to buy a base van & am having it lined, a heater & a Reimo poptop installed in it shortly. I found the forums both here and as suggested invaluable.
You only value the one you initially evaluated as a used builders van (that has a known value) plus a cheap roof (2k perhaps) roof (note the rear hinges hardly raise it at all) and 100 worth of windows.
Trying to evaluate its value vs. a factory westfalia or Cali is 'apples and pears'.
Hi Max - I take your point about the scratches etc and I'll be looking to inspect it carefully - and probably do the transaction outside of ebay. It has FSH (again which I'll be looking at closely).

Side stepping that it doesn't have a kitchen (which we're happy with) do you think the price of that is about right? The roof is a Reimo (they're good I've heard, is that right?) - it's not powered though.

I would prefer a VW Cali (beach not ocean) but the one you kindly linked to is 7 years older and left hand drive and yet it's £7,750 more; it has the kitchen of course so one would need to allow (£2,500?) for that - even so it makes the conversion look like quite good value to my inexperienced mind..

If you only had circa £17-20k to spend (and were happier with a slide pod kitchen in the boot) what would you be looking for would you say?

Thanks so much, I do hope you don't mind me asking all these questions - we really appreciate your wisdom!


Hi Nick
I have my T4 California for sale at the moment -
Really not trying to sell it to you, more that you can see what you get for your money in T4 world. Feel free to ask any questions on T4 Cali ownership, pitfalls etc.
All the best

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VW California Club
