Hi there,
My first post here.
I have California T6 without Rain/Light sensor.
I ordered and installed the following aftermarket switch, from China. Works well, the light sensor is calibrated and turns headlights on when needed: in tunnels and when it is dark.

Though just noticed one issue. If I leave the van locked with the ignition off and the switch in Auto position, it automatically turns on parking lights when it gets dark.
I tried to check different options with ODBeleven but no luck.
Perhaps you can suggest something.
My first post here.
I have California T6 without Rain/Light sensor.
I ordered and installed the following aftermarket switch, from China. Works well, the light sensor is calibrated and turns headlights on when needed: in tunnels and when it is dark.

Though just noticed one issue. If I leave the van locked with the ignition off and the switch in Auto position, it automatically turns on parking lights when it gets dark.
I tried to check different options with ODBeleven but no luck.
Perhaps you can suggest something.