Hi everyone, this is our first post after the honour of of being accepted into the club

We will be signing up as VIP members as we have a bus load (yeh yeh i know - terrible pun) of extra 5% discount stuff to by - why? i hear you ask (or maybe not) - because after 3 years of do we/don't we, life events have led us to the decision of "if we dont we may regret it" - so we've ordered a Cali Ocean which is about to arrive in the UK - woohooo!!
Looks like its customary to tell everyone a little about ourselves so here goes - we live close to Chester, have grown up kids and an 11 year old little lady with a king charles aptly named Charlie. Life is crazy busy, we work in our business from dusk till dawn like many others and were literally 7 days a week until i heard the news a few weeks ago that a guy ive worked with on and off for about 20 years in the industry of similar age with 2 beautiful girls had found out he had terminal cancer 6 weeks earlier and has already lost his sight, hearing and wont make Christmas. My wife and I are so wrapped up in work and home we decided its time to do something about it before our 11 going on 21 year old decides we aren't cool enough to hang round with - so we've thrown caution to the wind (spent the rent as my dear old dad used to say) and bought a beautiful blue/white cali. We are more glampers hence the purchase, and likely more 1 or 2 day ones at best but as the cali is also a fantastic day van we can head off and have a great day out with a home from home to run back to if needs be, or just to have a brew while we kick back.
So - that's us, we all have stories, life events and reasons to start a journey, that's ours, and hopefully we will enjoy many trips around the surrounding areas, and hey maybe make a few new friends along the way too!
Any tips for newbees who have thrown caution to the wind welcome, we've spent literally hours reading and watching some very impressive posts from many of you (thank you) to try and learn as quick as we can what we need to start out with but i guess in the end we will learn by doing.
Looking forward to being part of the club.
Simon and Karen