Air Con Starts Beach



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Broadclyst, Devon
Stopped at traffic lights - into neutral - foot off clutch and stop start kicks in and the engines dies and the van sits at the lights in silence.

It's very hot so I put on the air con. As soon as I do that the van starts up!!!!!!!

Really scared me lol. The stop start doesn't work if you have the air con on. Obviously as soon as I pressed air con the van started!!!

So, things you didn't know your van did... Air con can start your van!!!

Possibly not recommended lol :barmy

If you think about it James, the engine is required to drive the AC compressor :laugh2

However, if the AC is running and you go through the Start/Stop procedure does it stop the engine?? Pretty sure it does on our Golf.
Stu said:
If you think about it James, the engine is required to drive the AC compressor :laugh2

However, if the AC is running and you go through the Start/Stop procedure does it stop the engine?? Pretty sure it does on our Golf.

Not on the mine Stu. I was led to believe the start stop will not work with air con on. It never has on mine but I did read a review which claimed it had on the test beach. I hadn't thought about the obvious need to drive the compressor....

It was the fright it gave me!!

That's interesting about your Golf. If I've air con on - no start stop! I haven't got climtronic though not that I can see that making much difference. If I go through the procedure the start stop symbol with a line through it appears on the DIS

The Golf doesn't have Climate either, just standard Air Con.

I drove it at the weekend and we had the A/C on all the time and Start/Stop was still working.

Perhaps I have not driven enough with air con on? I am a windows open person :)

Will try it out the way home :)

You should use the A/C often as it keeps the system in good condition.
Stu said:
You should use the A/C often as it keeps the system in good condition.

That is true and it's a good system.

It's a shame without climtronic you only get a standard rear heater and no air con.

Our Mini used to do this a fair bit. Does make you jump :)
The stop/start system also has correlation with the battery. It may do the same (or not turn off at all) if you came to a stop with lights and wipers on and had just started your journey.

There are lots of parameters that have to be fulfilled for the stop/start to work. Haven't seen any vehicles with issues relating to it though.

smgcowfold said:
The stop/start system also has correlation with the battery. It may do the same (or not turn off at all) if you came to a stop with lights and wipers on and had just started your journey.

There are lots of parameters that have to be fulfilled for the stop/start to work. Haven't seen any vehicles with issues relating to it though.



Yes, you can't use it straight away and the van needs to, 'warm up', it has some quirks, well quirks to me but I know they all happen for a reason.

And today it did work with the Air Con :)

Good. Refernce air con, it should really be used all year round. If left unused for a long period of time, the seals inbetween the air con pipes can shrink and then the gas escapes and come the summer when you want to use it again it won't work.


VW California Club
