Aircon fan on all the time



Growing old disgracefully
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T5 SE 174
Should have been away this weekend watching drag racing but my 9 year old Cali has a problem - the aircon fan is on all the time, even though it's switched off. You can switch it off but it comes on again.

Of course it's just out of warranty with the motorhome dealer I bought it from, however they agreed to get it looked at, and the workshop today said they think it's due to something (a sensor?) under the dashboard, so no quick fix. Apparently a fuse has blown and when replaced it blows again - every time it blows the fan comes on.

Anyone had this problem?

Can't fault the dealer, they have agreed to contribute to the cost although it's just out of warranty, but I have no idea how much/little that contribution may be, and it could get expensive if it takes them a while to find the problem, so if I can point them in the right direction it might help.
One of my to fans in the front went crazy a year ago. Turned out to be the other fan mailfunctioning (dead). The fan that went crazy tried to compensate for the lack of the other...
Hm, I think that may be a slightly different problem, as my fan is on when the aircon is switched OFF.
I'm not sure if I fully understand the fault here (others may not too) which may explain the lack of response. Can you explain in a bit more detail and we might be able to help.

I imagine at 2007 you've got the older manual rotary controls and the air-con button? If so, I thought the dash controlled 'fan' operated independently of the air con button. Or are you meaning the radiator fan?

Failing us, the T5 forum will have the answer as it will have occurred before and it will be a problem common to non Cali vans. There is similar confusion and perhaps some clues in this thread
I don't have the rotary controls, wish I had! I have fiddly buttons to press, which I don't really understand and can't really look at while driving!

Not the radiator fan, two mechanics have definitely said the aircon fan. Even with ALL aircon and interior heating/cooling turned OFF the fan starts as soon as the ignition goes on.

Since I posted here I have indeed asked on the T5 Forum (well the Facebook one anyway) and a number of people have said it was caused by a defective temperature sensor behind the bumper. The van's going in to the workshop tomorrow so I'll pass that info on and hope mine is that simple.

Thanks for the interest! I think some of the reason for lack of response is that it seems most on here have newer vans so are less likely to suffer these problems.
Defective switches??
Do you have the parking heater (the one that heats the engine up) as the controller for this also turns the heater fan on to demist the windscreen..
Do you have the parking heater (the one that heats the engine up) as the controller for this also turns the heater fan on to demist the windscreen..

Mine doesn't do this.
Which fan are we talking about here?

1. The blower fan to the passenger compartment
2. Left one (with bigger diameter) in front of the engine, radiator fan.
3. Right one (with smaller diameter) in front of the engine, AC fan (?)
I think it has to reach a certain temperature first then starts the fan, but my suggestion was it could also be the parking heater control falsely starting the fan..

There's no interaction between the heater fan and the engine water heater that comes on below 5c.
Yes there is if you have a Webasto Telestart T91 remote fitted. It can run in heat or ventilate mode. In heat mode, the heater fires up and the dash vents blow after a short while. I ventilate mode, only the vents operate.
Yes there is if you have a Webasto Telestart T91 remote fitted. It can run in heat or ventilate mode. In heat mode, the heater fires up and the dash vents blow after a short while. I ventilate mode, only the vents operate.

Anything is possible no doubt with non standard fittings but there is no mention of modifications. Shall we assume it is as it came out of the factory?
There's no interaction between the heater fan and the engine water heater that comes on below 5c.
My Touareg with the remote control had it and the fan ran and I was told the T6 with remote parking heater did as well.. I will have to wait 4 more weeks to find out I suppose.
My Touareg with the remote control had it and the fan ran and I was told the T6 with remote parking heater did as well.. I will have to wait 4 more weeks to find out I suppose.

The OP has a T5 so do I, the T6 may indeed be different - time will tell:thumb
The OP has a T5 so do I, the T6 may indeed be different - time will tell:thumb
It isn't.
The Auxillary Water Heater only switches on, with ignition, if the ambient temperature is 5c or less, from the Factory.
There is a 3rd party kit to give it a remote control function, but it uses a lot of electrical power, from the Starter Battery, hence why it works only with ignition/ engine start. No real need in the SE/Ocean as you can use the Parking Heater which runs off the Leisure Battery.

VW California Club
