And another daft thing

Julie and Archie

Julie and Archie

T5 SE 180
Had a great weekend in Wales. No scratching gate posts or trapping bellows - things were looking good. However when packing to leave was overzealous and knocked overhead locker with dog crate and scratched it. Two white marks, quite deep. Is there a way of patching/invisible mending? Thanks
Had a great weekend in Wales. No scratching gate posts or trapping bellows - things were looking good. However when packing to leave was overzealous and knocked overhead locker with dog crate and scratched it. Two white marks, quite deep. Is there a way of patching/invisible mending? Thanks
I know of no " Invisible " mending technique. Therefore it would be better to " Contrast " instead.
You have done it once so likely to happen again, unless you get rid of the dog crate. So what about a piece of Aluminium, stainless steel or plastic to act as a protector, which will also cover the scratches, held on with double-sided tape.
Stick on things eg: Sport ,VW logo etc. Shame they do not do them for wrinkles. After sixty four years I am covered in dings and dents.
Thanks. Both good ideas. I'll investigate. Need to stop doing daft things now. That van was immaculate till I got it!
Had a great weekend in Wales. No scratching gate posts or trapping bellows - things were looking good. However when packing to leave was overzealous and knocked overhead locker with dog crate and scratched it. Two white marks, quite deep. Is there a way of patching/invisible mending? Thanks

These maybe worth a call?

Thanks 2haw. I've emailed and have a quote for £210. Reasonable?
A trick I did with an antique lamp shade which had a section missing was to photograph a similar area, print it out then carefully stick it over the damaged area. You might have to play about with the colour balance and print off some variations but cheaper than paying £210. Good luck.
I think I would be tempted to take a colour photo of the damaged area and then buy a very fine brush and several very small tins of Humbrol enamel paint to suit. Black and white should produce the exact shade of grey required and two or three other appropriate colours to produce the brown/ginger colour. With a bit of paint mixing on a piece of white card you should be able to reproduce a very similar, if not exact shade of brown/ginger. As the damage is very slight it should be possible to carefully touch in the damage preserving the stripes. A dab of aluminium coloured Humbrol should repair the chip in the aluminium edging strip.

You can get these tiny tins of paint and a very fine brush from any good arts and crafts or modeling shop. From memory these tins are about £2 each so £20 should more than cover every thing you will need. If it doesn't produce the results that you would like then either wipe it off straight away or use a dab of Humbrol thinners and wipe it off.

It's worth a try before you cough up £200.
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Another good idea. I'll research and update. May wait for better weather though.
200 quid !!! move the pound to the right abit and you'd never know .... 199 saved :)
Another good idea. I'll research and update. May wait for better weather though.

Looking at the photo you posted, I would agree with Borris's suggestion of a DIY touch up solution. Maybe with a thin layer of paint first inside the scratches to act as a filler first? I'll bet that given the size of them, no-one else will then know the mishap ever took place...
Ok. Ordered a range of colours to 'blend'. Another example of Cali life expanding my horizons.
IMG_0055.JPG IMG_0056.JPG Ok Borris. It's took me a while to get round to following your advice. Had a go today - just the grey. It dries darker, but not bad. Will try a lighter shade. But think the orangey colour will be tricky. Better than it was though

Used greys, khaki, white mix - 34, 32, 1 and 26 if someone makes same mistake.

Also ran some silver (11) on a scratch on inside of silver bit of work surface I scratched with kettle. That looks ok too.

Archie sneaked on. Can't miss a photo opportunity!
We may have to do something similar since we have a couple of dings on the left hand sliding door.

Hubrol eh, just seen a whole lot of these in Boyes on Barnard Castle.

.. message ends..
Hello J and A,
Excellent job.
The grey base looks very good. The secret with this kind of thing has to be to experiment with mixing the paint on some card to get the shade as close as possible and then adopting a light touch with an almost dry fine brush building up the effect until it looks right. You can't really do any damage as you can always wipe it off and start again if it doesn't look good enough. Finished photos please.

Don't do too good a job though or you'll end up with endless requests to repair other Calis. :Nailbiting
IMG_0057.JPG IMG_0066.JPG Ok tried the ginger. Tricky. It's a bit dark but overall quite pleased as vast improvement.

Used grey, copper and khaki (1 12, 26)

May try again
Nicely done. Good job now you can advertise as your skills will be in demand;)

VW California Club
