Sounds like we're quite similar then - last time we did this (with a tent!) we did book the first 2 sites, but then just rocked up to places and found campsites via tourist information! This time I've got a 3 PAYG simcard and so I'll have 25GB data to use so we can hopefully use internet searches more to find nice places to stay
I've got a few recommendations from friends of good surf spots and places worth a visit, and ofc going to visit my sister in Morzine (she lives out there) and hoping to meet up with some friends who live in N Italy. But other than that we've no idea!!!!
We're definitely taking my hubbys 8' and my 7'6 minimal and hoping I can squeeze the redback 6' into the board bag with mine so we can get all 3 on the rack on the side of the van! The rack only fits 2 boards so fingers crossed it works! That way we have a nice selection of boards to use whilst we're out there to cover most conditions (I'm not likely to surf anything much overhead anyway - still prefer the smaller stuff

Wetsuits is stumping me a little as we'll be surfing N France as well as S France and possibly NE Spain! I'm probably going to just pack the 3/2s and board shorts / rash vests rather than buying shorties. Hopefully that will be good enough to cover most eventualities! Though I've been a little warm here in Cornwall in my summer suit some days recently! What did you take wetsuit wise when you went before?
We might try and get into Spain to Bilbao / San Sebastian area - but probably not much further west as we'll have to get back North to Roscoff to get home!
A friend of mine used to travel to France a lot in a van and has given me some of her favourite spots to check out on our way back up the coast to Roscoff, but my son isn't so bothered about surfing so we'll be mixing in other stuff (unless the surf is particularly good in which case he'll have to put up with it lol)
Getting rather excited about the trip (and slightly panicky about how much we need to do before we go and when we get back to move house!)