Another Quick ISOTOP MkVI Question Removing Front opening???



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
The MkVI version of the Isotop for the 6.1 with full front opening in the Brandup instructions it states

ATTENTION: When closing the pop-up roof, the front opening of the ISO-TOP has to be removed!

Question it it actually unzipping and removing the opening or just making sure it is open before lowering the roof, seems a faff?
On my T6 I unzip the sides of it and roll it up as neatly as I can, works fine. This was the original advice, whether that has changed for the T6.1 models, although not sure why as mine has the same canvas with scenic front opening.
We unzip the sides nearly to the bottom then when closing the hatch tuck the front panel under it. Just an extra bit to think about, but you soon get used to it.
Thank you both for the responses, we shall see what occurs, I can see the need to open but remove seemed a bit bizarre.
Thank you both for the responses, we shall see what occurs, I can see the need to open but remove seemed a bit bizarre.
Not really it’s no problem it takes seconds to unzip and remove.It just removes the potential problem of excessive material
Taking the front right off does make tucking everything in above the hatch a little easier.

VW California Club
