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S. Worcs
T6 Ocean 150
Has anyone negotiated the Antwerp motorway ring recently?
Appreciate it will always be busy but have the (Several years worth of) major roadworks been completed?
Yes, we went to Rotterdam in May and went round Antwerp. Didn’t have any problem. There was a tunnel which had a toll charge.
Tunnel is on the northern side and I think traffic there is minimal. I wonder how rebuilding of ring is going. It was quite radical and I couldn't go to usual places to do some shopping, because new exits were built.
Our plan is to drive from Dunkirk Ferry to Arnhem in September, last trip was 2022 with the Antwerp roadworks in full swing. Over 2 hours to negotiate there, such was the extent that we did the return journey Arnhem, Nijmegen and South from there, then Brussels Ring, then West which was easier but longer.
Coming from the south follow directions "Rotterdam" , going south follow directions "Gent" . You will pass a toll tunnel but will have no traffic hassle.
Do you mean the Westerscheldetunnel? We always travel south and back home via this tunnel, we avoid the ring of Antwerpen, hate the thing and how it is laid out, and drive via Zeeland.
Do you mean the Westerscheldetunnel? We always travel south and back home via this tunnel, we avoid the ring of Antwerpen, hate the thing and how it is laid out, and drive via Zeeland.
No, normally coming from the south you are directed east over the E19, the famous ring road. Following Rotterdam you pass Antwerp on the west side. As my brother lives near Gent this is the route we prefer going to/coming from Breda and further. But I agree, on a bright day Zeeland is very beautifull!
The works are not yet finished and work is being done in various places and those places are also changing. This means that you can sometimes come from any direction without any problems, but a major traffic jam is also possible. Just keep it in mind. Happy travels