Any budding TV stars out there?



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T5 SE 180
I've been contacted by the Discovery Channel who are wanting to film short trailers ("idents") featuring people passionate about their vehicles. These would air just before motoring-related programmes and would be sponsored by eBay.

Those selected would be paid (£500) ... but you need to fit the right profile to be considered. I've copied the info below- please get in touch with Discovery TV directly if interested by Feb 23rd.

PS I'm just passing this on - I don't fit the profile and not available anyway.
PPS Typos not mine !


We are looking for Motoring Enthusiasts (Every day experts) to appear in some promotional Idents on the Discovery Channel.

You would need to be available to film on one day (Approx 5 hours )either W/C 6th March or W/C 13th March and fit any of the Criteria below. This is a paid project if selected and we would travel to you for the filming .

. Male or Female Aged Mid 30’s – 40’s .All Ethnicities
. You ideally have one of the following regional accents, Scottish, Birmingham, Bristol, and West Country. Alternatively, any other Non-British accent would work. London accents would be considered.
. Have a passion for Cars, Bikes, or Camper Vans etc.
. Be an EBay User (either regular or sporadic)

If you are interested in applying for this project, please email asap for further information.
An old fart so Far too old
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Well, I'm good enough for the history channel but not the discovery one :sad

Mind you, at my age some will say (unkindly) that I am history :shocked
I've just missed out on the age front lol
One out of four - will that be enough :Nailbiting. No prizes for which one :thumb
Got a bit of previous with the Disco channel and motor based docs
"Scottish, Birmingham, Bristol, and West Country" are non-British? Blimey.

VW California Club
