We love the National Trust…… (which is a bit weird I s’pose because many of the properties come from times when the world was clearly ’haves’ and ‘have nots’, and I would have been at the front of the revolution back in the day yelling “Off with their heads!”) however the fact is that for a one off fee we get access to beautiful historic and unique properties and parks all over the UK and free parking in nearly all the coastal car parks in Cornwall (worth it for that alone!).
We have just moved from Scotland where we had Scottish membership which as it happens is considerably cheaper than the English membership (especially if one of you is over 60

Funnily enough, a few years ago we used to stop overnight in many of the ‘house car parks’ by simply being discreet, placing ourselves at the far end and often having a quick word with one of the attendants although they never officially sanctioned our presence,, just turned a blind eye. Unfortunately those days have gone now
We also used to, and still do, stop overnight in some of the more remote car parks out of season, again common sense and discretion prevailing

We have often thought how useful it would be if the National Trust would allow campervans to stop overnight, say between 18:00 and 09:00 when the car parks would otherwise be empty. We would be happy to pay a modest fee (£10 perhaps?).
So there we are, long live the National Trust