Aux Heater Remote



VIP Member
T5 SE 180

Just bought a new Cali and the auxiliary heater remote was missing. I pointed this out during the handover and the dealer ordered a new one up.

When I went down to have the remote "coded" to the van the technical department ran into difficulty and a subsequent call to VW ensued. The net result was that VW are saying that the van has not been specified with the necessary remote control "gubbins" (my word).

The VW brochure mentions a standard auxiliary heater remote control four times, and I would have thought that even if VW wanted to make it an option, they would simply not supply the remote rather than not build the capability into the van.

The dealer is on my side, but the issue isn't going very far, and as haven't spoken to VW in person, I have no idea how much truth the dealer is really telling me. (I never saw this newly ordered remote control either)

In all other respects the dealer has been good, so I don't want to start banging my fists yet, but I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this configuration or has heard of similar problems.

My understanding that the CE heater remote doesnt need programing to the van unlike the door key remote
As I understood and I am happy to be wrong, the remote was a cost option, that's how I've read it in the brochure.

Don't think I had one???
I had a key fob with heating remote - is that it?
Thanks I shall look tomorrow, I know the dealer told me that this fob heated my van and demisted wing mirrors etc if I pressed it whilst in the house on a cold morning.

All these questions!! normal for a new user I guess


Thanks all. Yes, sorry, it is a California SE. Sounds like it should be standard fit as I suspected.

Can you switch the heater on using central overhead control panel? If you look on door jam or door itself their should be 2 labels "webastco" one is for aux heater the other is for a pre heater?

Thanks John.

Yes, I can switch the heater on with the control panel above, and everything seems to work just fine.

I have the attached label on the door, and the bit I don't think you can read says "Webastco - Thermal and Comfort SE"


Photo on 2014-05-12 at 18.14.jpg
We too have just taken delivery of a new CaliSE 180,we have been told that there is no remote control for the heating system. Did you ever resolve this issue? I would be interested to hear,Thanks
SEE page 21 of the June 2014 sales brochure, STANDARD se equipment in addition to beach:-
Parking Heater programmable with remote control
Don't think there is much else that could be said, show the brochure to the dealer if he can read :lol:
Thanks - dealer now agrees that remote is standard and we should have one. He has gone off to try and source the missing remote fob. Luckily he agreed straight away that he had made a mistake when he told me it wasn't standard so should be sorted out soon.

Thanks for the info.
Hi Mags

Timely question, as my original problem has reached a conclusion (of sorts).

Finally got my van back on Friday after being at the dealer for two weeks. They absolutely cannot get the remote control to work with the van. The message is that, whist the van should come with the remote as standard, even standard items are specified on the build-list and for some reason this "standard item" was removed. Net result, no internals for the heater remote.

There was also some discussion about the heater manufacturers being changed around the time of the van build.

To be honest, I cannot verify the backstory from the dealer - I only have so much time I am wiling to worry about these things. I do know they had the van for two weeks, I saw email threads between them and a frustrated engineer trying to make the thing work over that period, and after two weeks we both agreed enough was enough.

I was compensated to my satisfaction. I weighed the time the van had been away, the risk of them doing damage (trim / electrical) trying to get this to work, and the compensation against how often I would use a remote.

All that bering said, I would be interested to hear if you manage to get your remote working "Mags", and if so, perhaps you could PM me the details of your dealer.

Good luck
I am sure you did the right thing. Ours did come with a remote control for the heater. I it sits on our spare keys and has never been used.

I think the best use case is that you are in the house and you can turn the heaters on when you have a cup of coffee and the van is toasty when you get in. Since our van is not our main car we don't have this scenario - I just get into a cold car in the morning.

If you are in the van I don't think reaching for the heater switch it too big a hardship - if I am awake in the morning I probably need the loo anyway so I am going to get out of bed (I think I am sharing too much :) )

As a final note the remote control is massive so having it in your pocket all the time would be a pain :)

Our Cali 180 SE which was new in 2014 Jan came with the heater remote I think as standard, it was not an extra as far as I am aware if it was we were not charged for it as we did not specify or order one.
Even thou we have the remote it is not really used to big for the pocket, and it is only arms length away to turn off when in the van. So no big loss, but would want it , if the spec said you should have it.

VW California Club
