Awning Blown Off - Replacement brackets needed



T6 Cali On Order
Hi everyone, I made the school-boy error of having lunch at the beach with the awning out and not strapped down. A gust of wind and it sailed over the top of the Cali and ripped right off. Luckily it didn't hit anyone or anything. Now I need to try and fit it back on. I've found replacement brackets here:


However, there seem to be several screw bits which don't come with it and I doubt I have the tools to get the previous brackets off the Cali or the awning. I've attached some photos of the damage (you can see one part of the awning where the screw is has slighly warped the metal). My questions:

1. Do you think I can save the awning?
2. Is there anywhere cheaper to get the brackets? 145 pounds seems a bit steep.
3. Can I get altenative brackets (e.g. Thule, Fiamma) to fit the awning that comes with the Cali T6?
4. Where can I get the relevant screw bits?
5. What tools will I need for the job?

Thank you California experts! :)

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-25 at 20.51.06.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-25 at 20.51.07 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-25 at 20.51.07.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-25 at 20.51.08.jpeg
The awning should be save-able, you might need to press
the bulges back in where the bolts pulled through and then use some
big washers to re-fix it.

The brackets could also be made good again with the right chap,
I would get some new ones though.
Hi - sorry to jump on the thread. Same happened to us yesterday on the Basque coast - luckily had a Torx driver in the van to get the awning off (only one bracket snapped), and taking the narrow drawer out from the bench seat (6.1 Ocean) the dead awning fits inside the van.

Looking for a European supplier of the VW brackets - any tips? Or a VW part number?
Good to know all the internals are available, thanks @Arnoob
The parts i need are VW items I imagine. These but black. Prefer to order from inside EU to avoid local import fees here. IMG_1183.png

VW California Club
