Awning LED's

Obviously it would be to charge a small battery during the day, we have a set of lights with a tiny solar panel that we got from the garden centre, does a great job of powering a string of LED lights quite brightly when the sun goes down. That probably uses a capacitor so by the time you add a battery and controller unit etc its very expensive too big, unsightly and not worth doing.. back to the drawing board:headbang
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Never heard of this stuff, just ordered some of the bay of evil:thumb
Surely BluTak would do the same job and allow you to move the connection around.

I was concerned the arm would connect and damage the connector that's why I threaded it through hinges and connected the cable in the area outside the folded arm. Although I'm still tempted to use BluTak or sugru. Sounds like something handy to have in the toolbox.

To be honest, it's easier to see what others have done and improve. So we are all learning from each other.:).

Appreciate all the posts:thumb

It's all a learning curve, Goldie I do like your idea of the wire going behind the hinge as it must help support the weight of the wire , I'll have to extend my wires, so some time I have to get my soldering iron out again!
The plug that got squashed was on the wind out section which hasn't got much clearance when it's folded in.
It's all a learning curve, Goldie I do like your idea of the wire going behind the hinge as it must help support the weight of the wire , I'll have to extend my wires, so some time I have to get my soldering iron out again!
The plug that got squashed was on the wind out section which hasn't got much clearance when it's folded in.
The connectors I used didn't need soldering - they clip on the LED strip. They didn't work first time so I had to turn them over and wiggle them around to improve contact.
There is plenty of free space on the forward section of the awning beyond the hinge points. Little chance of getting crushed, although I'm tempted to deploy some BluTak just in case.
Your original post inspired me and one of they easiest and most satisfying improvements.:thumb POD is another thing I'm pleased with and will soon be turning prototype into finished article. But that's a Beach forum article.
I'm from the Old School and always solder all joints and repairs, can't be doing with these new fangled clip joints and as for crimping, don't get me started lol.:Nailbiting

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