Awning Rattle



I've had my Cali for around 6 weeks. First 2500 miles and no noise from the awning whilst driving. Next 500 and it made a really noisy rattle/banging over all but smooth road surfaces -loud inside but unbearable with the window open. Local dealer's solution was to apply liberal amounts of noise reduction tape to the legs and awning box (some visible from the outside so it's a good job I have a black one!). The noise is a little better but nowhere near as quiet as delivered.

So my question is how noisy are they? I need a baseline before I go back and complain further.
Mine is sometimes noisy but I have got used to it, just make sure it is wound in as far as it will go, keep turning the handle until it is really tight.
Hi there and welcome. If my awning starts to rattle I wind it out about 2 inches then wind it in again a little bit tighter that normally does the trick. If not and it becomes unbearable its a trip back to the dealer I'm afraid shouldn't be to noisy in all honesty unless something has come loose :thumb
Mine has just been replaced because it didn't close properly and rattled like hell, new one now rattles even more - gutted. :cry:
Thanks for the quick replies.

Given the tape did reduce the noise I will leave well alone for a little while and see how it goes.
No problem :thumb :thumb you never have to wait to long for a reply on here :thumb
When ours has rattled it's been because of stowage, not because of inherent problems. Make sure it's wound in evenly back and front. Sometimes it can be tight at the back but a bit slack at the front.

Try this: have someone else wind it in while you keep the canvas under even tension by holding up the 'cross bar' a bit (not sure what to call it) pulling back on it as it's would in and making sure it is parallel to the casing all the time as you roll it in. Check before it is completely in that the two elbows of the extending struts are aligned. If not just push them into alignment. I find that this makes sure that the cross bar sits snugly into the casing with no rattles It should fit absolutely flush - otherwise I'd say it was defective. Hope this makes sense!
Haha, this is my pet subject.

They obviously all rattle and the dealer will more than likely say its normal.

I'm really fussy with any noises/rattles and have been working my way around the van. My awning doesn't crash and bang, but after a long journey you can sometimes notice it has loosened slightly and starts to get more noticable. I'm due to go on a long trip in the van tomorrow and have ordered some bits to have another go at silencing the awning, which I will be doing later today. Some of my modifications have already helped, but I feel it's never going to be silent.

I'll post some solutions if they are successful. :barmy
I had rattles in the past, turned out that I hadn't put the legs back in the case properly and hooked them into the fixing in the middle.
Hello all

On all of our California's that weve owned (up to 7 now) the only time I've heard a rattle from any of them is when the awning hasn't been closed fully. As has been said, when winding it in, tighten it up then give it a little extra turn, that's seems to resolve it. I presume it is the lid chattering that you are on about?, or is it internal?

only once had a sort of whining noise from it on m/way...turned out I had not wound in tightly..nipped it up a half turn and noise stopped
no rattle or noises apart from that ever evident on mine....and believe me after years with a Split you learn to notice and pay attention to every single minute noise :lol:
ChrisandPenney52 said:
When ours has rattled it's been because of stowage, not because of inherent problems. Make sure it's wound in evenly back and front. Sometimes it can be tight at the back but a bit slack at the front.

Try this: have someone else wind it in while you keep the canvas under even tension by holding up the 'cross bar' a bit (not sure what to call it) pulling back on it as it's would in and making sure it is parallel to the casing all the time as you roll it in. Check before it is completely in that the two elbows of the extending struts are aligned. If not just push them into alignment. I find that this makes sure that the cross bar sits snugly into the casing with no rattles It should fit absolutely flush - otherwise I'd say it was defective. Hope this makes sense!

Thanks for this :thumb I did as you said and it has cured the rattle that has been driving me mad :crazy Cheers again :thanks
Glad to hear that fixed it.
I have to say i've NEVER noticed any sort of rattling from my awning, i assume the new ones are the same as that on my pre facelift?
We've only ever had reattling on ours if we haven't wound it in tight enough.

VW California Club
