There's a lot going on in a Cali...



VIP Member
Bangor, North Wales
T5 SE 180
Well I've sorted the slightly loose and rattly cooker/sink cover. But then after the weekend away a new banging noise from the rear driver side was traced to a leg not locked on the picnic table in the sliding door, plus a nastier glass or metallic rattle was found to be the awning not fully wound in. I imagined it would all be about saucepans and plates.;-)

I'm feeling like a budding Sherlocke; maybe I should just turn up the radio....
Haha, you're in good company! My OH @zerofour is likewise distracted by the Cali rattles. My solution: turn up the radio to drown them all out :)
I have an oddments box in the bench seat drawer. Its full of Velcro (black and white), felt pads (for chair feet in various sizes) and clear plastic half dome bump pads - all sticky backed of course plus a couple of sizes of tie wraps in black and white and a roll of Duck Tape for good measure just in case of real emergencies!:thumb
I used to try that but get asked to turn it down.
Fortunately at the moment I have no unknown rattles.

Its dual purpose thing for me though as it does serve to drown out whining/arguing children too ;)
We all been there ....gets better in time ...also you get to know some tricks to prevent ratlles during the first trips.
I had three rattles that I have fixed. The table is now fine after making very sure it is correctly stowed away.
The awning rattle has now been fixed thanks to the very useful tips from the forum - thanks guys!
The cooker/sink top rattle turned out to be the glass top touching the tap.

Hopefully I will stay rattle free. I am amazed that the Cali is as quite as it is when you consider how many bits and pieces there are in there :)

As for turning up the radio volume, I can only cope with one loud sound source at a time unless I am travelling alone!!

VW California Club
