The adventure with Starlight Expess begins
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We would like to thank everyone for all the advice we have read on these pages, because of it we;
Bought a comfortz mattress (with a massive discount) which we slept on like logs,
Were really happy with 30.5 mph on the trip back from Norwich cross country. The roundabouts oh, no the roundabouts...
Knew how to find the blind on the back window, and even shut it eventually,
Did not get the bellows stuck in the electirc motor,
Really appreciated the electric roof. I'm 5'4" and can't even see the top,
Fitted the porta potty under the back shelf,
Didn't buy ANY-other gadgets,
Took the turtle mats for the back,
Set the fridge on max and it was so cold it froze the trifle,
Talked to another Cali owner (of 3 months) and compared notes.
Had the best time, and knew that if we were stuck we could post a message and someone would help us out
Bought a comfortz mattress (with a massive discount) which we slept on like logs,
Were really happy with 30.5 mph on the trip back from Norwich cross country. The roundabouts oh, no the roundabouts...
Knew how to find the blind on the back window, and even shut it eventually,
Did not get the bellows stuck in the electirc motor,
Really appreciated the electric roof. I'm 5'4" and can't even see the top,
Fitted the porta potty under the back shelf,
Didn't buy ANY-other gadgets,
Took the turtle mats for the back,
Set the fridge on max and it was so cold it froze the trifle,
Talked to another Cali owner (of 3 months) and compared notes.
Had the best time, and knew that if we were stuck we could post a message and someone would help us out