A few weeks ago we had our first camping trip and to our annoyance the rear window blind on sliding door side decided to play up opening and shutting luckily was on last day so waited until we got home for a proper investigation and I found that it had detached off one side of the wire from a black fixing which is attached to the wire,so if it happens to you, this is how i got it back on.
I put the blind carefully at an angle and you will see a grove at the bottom of the blind then pop the blind back into the black fixing don't attempt to dismantle anything else, it's simple as that. We have had our Cali for almost 6 years so expect wear and tear and blinds have been sticking in the past but never came off the runners, I have now this time applied a bit of silcon to the wire runners and fingers crossed so far they are opening and closing almost when new.
I put the blind carefully at an angle and you will see a grove at the bottom of the blind then pop the blind back into the black fixing don't attempt to dismantle anything else, it's simple as that. We have had our Cali for almost 6 years so expect wear and tear and blinds have been sticking in the past but never came off the runners, I have now this time applied a bit of silcon to the wire runners and fingers crossed so far they are opening and closing almost when new.