Blinds won't stay down



2016 California Ocean 2.0 TDI
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204
At first it was just the kitchen blind that wouldn't stay shut; now the sliding door blind has started playing up and springs open at inappropriate moments. The offside rear blind is also a bit dodgy.
Any thoughts on how to fix this problem? Second hand van 2008 so well out of warranty.
I'll give that a go, thanks Welsh
I had mine replaced on warranty recently but they had the van for 2 days, so I suspect its a very involved and long job to swap them all out. Mine however wouldn't return, they stayed down a bit too well.

I believe as above the not staying down is an easy-ish fix, its if they don't return up that you have a big task on your hands. I believe staying down is just a case of the bottom of the track needing a little squeeze.
Thanks Matt - one blind is slightly skewed but rolls back in ok. I can cope with that, but the chance of the blind suddenly springing open when I'm getting dressed is more of a problem :)
So we’ve had the van 3 weeks and have today realised that one of the blinds doesn't close properly, worse one side than the other.

Do we live with it (are we being too fussy?) or should it be considered a warranty issue? Bit worried having read through this thread that we might end up with worse problems like damaged trim if we get it repaired so maybe better off living with it?


If your van is still under warranty, I'd say get it fixed - it will only get worse. We've been managing with dodgy blinds for the last couple of years and they're a bloody nuisance. We ended up having to pay good money to get the sliding door blind replaced; the kitchen blind is also playing up but it's not such a problem.
Put a paper wedge in it I did this on our first califormia a pain but it works if it’s out of warranty you don’t have much choice
Put a paper wedge in it I did this on our first califormia a pain but it works if it’s out of warranty you don’t have much choice
Ours is brand new so is under warranty. I am slightly concerned that we might end up with worse problems if we get it fixed as people seem to have had issues with damaged trim, being left with a rattle etc. It almost closes on the right and stops about half a cm up on the left.
Mine was 12 months old at the time but my thinking was best wedge a bit of paper or card in it,rather than trust some unforgiving vw tech to rip it apart and make it worse.
hope u get it sorted
Had the Earth shunt fixed in 09 on our 08 cali by vw tech in Manchester,that put me right off having them pull my interior apart ....
they left the van my pride and joy in a right mess oil marks dirty finger prints with no apologies treated it like some builder van
Ours is brand new so is under warranty. I am slightly concerned that we might end up with worse problems if we get it fixed as people seem to have had issues with damaged trim, being left with a rattle etc. It almost closes on the right and stops about half a cm up on the left.
Is the black slider engaged in the lower part of the blind? Half open the blind and look at the end of the handle. Plastc slider around wire and plugged into handle end. Same both sides?.
I think you will find one side has come out. Easily fixed.
Is the black slider engaged in the lower part of the blind? Half open the blind and look at the end of the handle. Plastc slider around wire and plugged into handle end. Same both sides?.
I think you will find one side has come out. Easily fixed.
Thanks @WelshGas l’ll check this.

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