Blocked drain hole wet carpet



T6 Ocean 150
My front carpet under the driver's seat is soaking wet people have said it looks like the front drain hole could be blocked
Water seems to be collecting there when I pour some into the Chanel. just trying to fathom out how water blocked on the roof can leak down behind the dashboard and soak the carpet.the roof has not been up could water still get into this area?
I believe this drain pipe goes down the c pillar could it be disconnected and not draining properly.
Would blowing air down the hole cure the problem
Thanks Steve
Have a search for roof drains. Lots of posts.
The front roof drains run from the roof front cap down the A pillar.
Take care as the drain pipe is only a push fit where it joins the drain.
As I say there are many posts on the topic!
I’m currently looking into a damp footwell!
Hi Scooter,
The drainage pipe comes down the A pillar, into the cab and then out of the bulk head by attaching to a grommet with a slit.

Depending on age of your van you can check if the grommet is outside of the bulkhead by removing the blank blanking cover to the top left of the engine bay, and making sure the grommet is present.

We had a problem caused by tow bar fitter who had pushed our grommet into the vehicle and then fed tow bar cabling through bulkhead.

also, the pipe can detach from the grommet. I used cable ties to secure mine.

you can pop of panels around footwell and feel for pipe.
Is there a sliding window on that side? Mine leaked, probably for ages before I noticed the seat base was going rusty and the door card began to warp.
Thanks it's a 2018 Ocean I've just been looking at a few posts it really looks like a poor design very similar to the little pipe on my Golf that perished and filled the boot with water
So could the blocked drain hole cause water to enter the vehicle as it looks like mine is blocked I will investigate more tomorrow thanks for the replies
So could the blocked drain hole cause water to enter the vehicle as it looks like mine is blocked I will investigate more tomorrow thanks for the replies
4 common causes.
1. Disconnected Roof drain within the A Pillar
2. As already mentioned the base of the drain running out inside the vehicle - misplaced grommet
3. Windscreen leak, water runs down behind the dash and behind the carpet.
4. a leak in the mastic/sealant around the water drain entry hole.

There is a thick, fibrous mat of insulation material under the mats in the front covering a wiring loom between the front seats. If this is sodden then can damage the wiring.

The roof drains are primarily to drain water away when the roof is up. With the roof down then minimal water should, I repeat should, get past the roof seals.

When you opened the roof up, was there any water collected in the gully by the drain?
Hi WelshGas
The gulley was dry but when I poured some water in it didn't go through the hole and I noticed that some water ran out from the area by the bonnet release.
I'll get the hose out later and investigate
On another note it's just come back from the dealer for a replacement rear air vent and lowering springs fitted I did wonder if they had caused the issue .
Thanks for the information
I’m currently looking for a leak! Seems to be getting in around the grommet that forms the drain. Flushed the drain pipe and will be using some silicone to make a better seal around the grommet.
I flushing the drain hole with a syringe and the carpet has now dried out so hopefully problem sorted although I'm still checking every time it rains so far ok
Good idea with the silicon it won't do any harm just be careful not to block the hole
Good idea with the silicon it won't do any harm just be careful not to block the hole
Intend to put a temporary plug in the drain hole while I do the sealing.
If it is leaking water then i would use Sika stuff and not silicone, cut away
the existing sealer and apply the new making sure everything is dry of course.

I wouldn't entertain silicone, but that's your choice.
If it is leaking water then i would use Sika stuff and not silicone, cut away
the existing sealer and apply the new making sure everything is dry of course.

I wouldn't entertain silicone, but that's your choice.
View attachment 78283
Cheers, l wont be able to remove the grommet so will be adding a sealant around the edges rather than a full ”rebuild”. I was going to try using a plumbing sealant, Fernox LS X. I hear lots of recommendations for Sika, so might get a tube, thanks.
I flushing the drain hole with a syringe and the carpet has now dried out so hopefully problem sorted although I'm still checking every time it rains so far ok
Check under the carpet as there is a thick pad of insulation type material that can hold a lot of water. Hopefully it is drying out as well.
Thanks yes I had the hairdryer on it yesterday and have probably been out and checked it half a dozen times today after each downpour my guess would be that water must overspill from the pipe when there is a blockage at the flap down by the wiper mechanism and the water in the pipe has nowhere to go a quick flush has cleared it so it now flows ok
Try to borrow a dehumidifier and leave it plugged in overnight for a few days.
I am investigating the source of my leakage and it looks now like it comes from the left hand side A pillar. Does the leak occur before or after it passes the windscreen area? Maybe it has been described somewhere but how do access the faulty “pipe”?
I am investigating the source of my leakage and it looks now like it comes from the left hand side A pillar. Does the leak occur before or after it passes the windscreen area? Maybe it has been described somewhere but how do access the faulty “pipe”?

Look at post #12.

Also if you enter 'Roof drains' in the search - top right- you might find the right
I am investigating the source of my leakage and it looks now like it comes from the left hand side A pillar. Does the leak occur before or after it passes the windscreen area? Maybe it has been described somewhere but how do access the faulty “pipe”?
I recently had water ingress from the roof drain. After lots of investigation I found the problem was the large grommet that the drain is fed from. The water was running down the inside of the A pillar trim and appearing as a drip from the end of the dash onto the carpet …. See #25£2500-pounds-to-replace-the-infamous-roof-upanel.39243/page-2#post-524992

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