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There's a story about a construction worker who fell from Sydney Harbour Bridge to a certain death in the still warm waters below him. As he accelerated downwards he had an amazing presence of mind to throw his hammer into the water, close to his entry point, that alone disrupted the surface tension of the water and allowed him to fall into the harbour without serious injury. He went on to represent Australia as a diver, apparently.
MAN'S AMAZING ESCAPE - Fall of 170 ft. From Harbour Bridge STRUCK WATER FEET FIRST - Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954) - 24 Oct 1930
Vincent Kelly, aged 31, had a miraculous escape from death yesterday, when he overbalanced while working on the deck of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and toppled into the harbour 170 ft. below. He turned several somersaults in his drop through space, and ...