Buttons the Cali Dog has a fit!



VIP Member
SW London
T5 SE 180
Poor Buttons is only 4 years old. He has had more than his fair share of trauma in his short life. Last night he was very distressed by the number of fireworks going off. My daughter was out babysitting till 2am and when she got back he was really excited and the suddenly collapsed. He had no control over any paws, was twitching, lost his bladder, and looked really unwell.
Phoned the emergency vet but they said not a lot they can do. I did all the right things. He has been absolutely shattered today and I am hoping to see the vet tomorrow. He is half chihuahua half pug so it may be part of his breed!
Sorry to hear that Judith I hope it's not too serious. Don't get me started on fireworks. We have a brand new lounge carpet ruined by a very nervous dog.
I think they should be banned for private use.
Our doggy is been stressed a few days as some find the need do start fireworks at 18 pm already the 31st ...yesterdayevening (1st) again , hope tonight will be quiet.
I tell myself that it could be her last breath .....poor thing, nothing helps....
9 1/2 years old become worse every year.

Hope yours be good today .....
Not looking forward to trip to the vets. In the summer we had to visit a vet in the South of France for our paperwork to come back to the UK and he hit Buttons deliberately and quite hard. Poor little thing is now understandably terrified of Vets tables. He has some cuddle therapy where he goes to vets to get cuddled but not sure it has entirely worked
Our vet is the person witch we bought our dog from , he still has her mother and had her grandmother (died when 13y)....he loves Vizsla's ....but we need to put a thing on her mouth or she will bite hime as he gives her the annual shot....:D
She not like the vets either....
That vet sounds awful, they'd get both barrels from me if they hit our dogs. Thankfully they are lovely where we go. Hope he feels better soon!

VW California Club
