Buttons the Cali Dog Hospitalised!



VIP Member
SW London
T5 SE 180
Following my post on the Forum in January when Buttons had a fit on New Years Eve he has had a further 5 fits. He only had his 5th birthday earlier this month so is still a youngster really. He had blood tests etc which didn't show anything but on Friday he had a really bad one lasting well over 10 minutes. The vet took him straight in and he is now on phenobarbitone and will have an MRI scan on Tuesday (£1500)!

Do think of him on Tuesday.

oh Judith!

My thoughts, and those of Max and Bella, will be with you, Charlotte and Buttons on Tuesday!
Hopes all turns out ok , pets are part of your life and if such things happen imagine you are really upset ....
Strength ....
Oh Buttons, hope your ok. With multiple pets at home I know how integral they are to our families. Hopefully your insurance will cover the financial outlay.

Get well soon
Wishing you and Buttons all the best for tomorrow. Take care.
Cali dogs are like Cali's, indestructible.
Hope the story for your Buttons will be like our Dudley (long gone now from old age at 15½). He was about the same age when he started but once they sorted the right dose for him, he very rarely had fits - he seemed to know when one was imminent and came and sat by me! - and when he did they were so slight they might not have been noticed by anyone who didn't know.
An update on Buttons. After several blood tests and an MRI scan total cost about £2300 they can find no explanation for his fits. So he is to remain on the medication for the rest of his life. At least it is nothing too sinister although epilepsy is tricky enough. Thank you to all the other Cali Dog owners and forum members who have sent kind wishes. He was gambolling around a Devon beach promenade at 6.30 this morning as if there was nothing wrong at all!
Thanks for the update - hope he continues to gambol for a long time to come!
So glad that there is nothing sinister, we love our dogs too much at times, I slept on the kitchen floor with ours when she was undergoing steroid treatment and couldn't be left. Well worth it though as she has had another four fabulous years and still going.

I don't know if the vet has warned you but other dogs can get terribly spooked if they see a dog having a fit, and with awful consequences of they are confined in a room together.
Glad to hear things are sorted out , guess you need to give him full attention ....as if you not already did:D

Just heard yesterday that the mother of our Mieke ( Vizsla) was put to sleep at 14,5 y so with ours beeing nearly 10 hope we get to spent some more years having her .
As her greatmother an her great-great mother also came up to more than 14 years hope we got a strong breed....got a picture of the four of them sitting in a row when ours just was born , very rare picture only one alive today.

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