Cali-count. 27 plus 1



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T4 PopTop
We went down to Devon at the weekend and, in an attempt to relieve the tedium of motorway driving I took to counting Calis. Ok, it was mid half term so there were always goin to be a few more around. Between Oxford and Devon I counted 27. Not bad. 28 if you include the one on the A34 Friday afternoon buried in the rear of the car in front! Doh! No one here I hope, it looked expensive.

We've just come back from a week in mid Wales and we saw 12 T5.1 GP Cali's and thats not including ours, common as muck! We did get a few waves too. :hello
We were in Cornwall over Easter and got the kids counting any VW camper. Thought we would easily get to 50. Managed only 49 (the old T2 usually parked a couple of miles from where we live let us down and wasn't there on the way home!)
Hilarious listening to the kids asking if all manner of Asian imported van with curtains type thing could be included....
We'll soon have em spotting a Cali at half a mile :thumb

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