Our seven year old Vizsla , Mieke !
Likes the Cali very much when she gets near it at my garage she insists i open the side door and she gets to install herself in it , just for the fun....but whilst driving , she gets nervous .
Done a resent trip to the alpes near Solden in Austria
Just thought I'd share a couple of photos with all fellow dog lovers of the day old puppies my cocker spaniel (Poppy) has just given birth to. It was a stressful weekend but worth every minute as they're just sooooooooo cute! Oh yes these two are the girls :lol:
Just want to share our joy
Last year our 10 years old german shepherd passed away and we were sure about not to get a new one until yesterday
This little fella will join us in 10 days from now.
He's a Toller and one of the reasons for choosing this breed is the califrendly size.