Cali names

Ours is being built this week (Yay!!), but the kids have already decided upon Dory.

Our Beach is Acapulco Blue, similar in colour to Dory, the forgetful royal blue tang fish from the Finding Nemo movie, and forthcoming Finding Dory movie.

I think it's a great choice, hence the picture to the left!

Just keep swimming ;-)
Our 2yo grand daughter has christened our Cali "Pinky Ponk", or Ponk for short.

I'm sure you all watch CBeebies and will know where this comes from, I just hope I don't keep bumping into trees with it ...:D

So we've got Albert, Ariadne, Zebedee, Syd I can recall off the top of my head, what's your's called and why? (Or have we already had this thread?)
Our Cali has now been officially christened, although we held back on the bubbly actually hitting the bodywork.
We chose Bristol Belle for the link to our home city, and it describes our beautiful Cali. By coincidence it is also the name of one of the first hot air balloons I was involved with in the late 1960s.
Anyone who knows the City will know the iconic font that Bristol Omnibus had on the sides of their buses. It was unique to the company and is known as The Bristol Font, even though it comprises just the one word, in gold with black edging. I found a local signwriter who managed to copy the font adding the vital second word. Anyone coming to the meet this weekend will be able to see it.
Helen and Simon
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Our Cali has now been officially christened, although we held back on the bubbly actually hitting the bodywork.
Looks brilliant, Helen and Simon. Is the writing stuck on the inside or the outside of the glass?

So pleased you like it Maud. It has taken a long time to find someone to do it. When you ring up to ask if they can do it, sign writers don't seem to like small jobs like this.
When he saw it he was very keen. Possibly helped by him being an owner of a well converted T5 himself.
It's actually on the inside of the rear screen. We thought it would last longer and be away from little fingers that might try to pick it off.
We supplied the artwork to the sign writer and he laser cut the letters with the black being stuck on after the gold. Took half an hour for him to do including sticking it on. Very reasonable price too.
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Started as Bertie the Bus and slowly becoming Bertie Wooster...kind of just happened :)
Ours is black and called Bertie for 2 reasons... Burt is the chimney sweep in Mary Poppins and Burt Reynolds drove a sweet black ride in smokey and the bandit... All smoke related due to colour...
Our Cali has now been officially christened, although we held back on the bubbly actually hitting the bodywork.
View attachment 12926
We chose Bristol Belle for the link to our home city, and it describes our beautiful Cali. By coincidence it is also the name of one of the first hot air balloons I was involved with in the late 1960s.
Anyone who knows the City will know the iconic font that Bristol Omnibus had on the sides of their buses. It was unique to the company and is known as The Bristol Font, even though it comprises just the one word, in gold with black edging. I found a local signwriter who managed to copy the font adding the vital second word. Anyone coming to the meet this weekend will be able to see it.
Helen and Simon

Wow! Bristol bill that goes back a few years, I've got a photograph,(transparency),of it flying out of the Dunstable flying club in 1967.

What was your involvement with Bristol BelI, guess as you live in Bristol you may have worked at Cameron Balloons?

We've been involved with 5 balloons all built at Cameron Balloons in Bristol, all named after their sponsors which was only fair because as they were paid for by them, and besides that they had their name in bloody great big letters on the side. None of which seemed that suitable for our new California being, Graphic Techniques, BP, Charles Church, Douwe Egberts and Commercial Union.

I think we'll just stick with SusiBus when it finally arrives (ordered back in November still waiting patiently)

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