California Dreamin'



West Sussex
T5 SE 180
Hello all,
Life is so much easier since the internet came along! This forum has been incredibly useful to us as we have pondered on decisions about buying a Cali.
Having read and absorbed a lot of information, its time to join the community.

We have just bought a second hand 2015 T5 Cali SE. 40k on the clock but its in good enough condition to serve us well, hopefully for many years.
"Steven" aka SteVAN (my 5 year old sons attempt at humour although we like it enough to stick with it) is currently undergoing a service etc at our local dealer. Deposit is paid and we look forward to picking the Cali up in a couple of weeks! very excited. I'm 44 going on 14 again.

We are looking forward to many day trips & long weekends in the UK along with a couple of trips overseas a year (most likely France) as we try to ensure our son spends sufficient time outdoors and away from the iPad!

We are on a steep learning curve to figure everything out, but I for one am looking forward to it.

This will be our first campervan as a family...... time will soon tell if its the best thing we ever did, or whether it's a fast track to divorce !!

Best regards,

I bought mine without the knowledge of this forum. Been here just recently for a non-Californian issue, and been browsing the forum since then.
All of my experiences I have found out myself, trying to help others out with their questions.

First thing: just take off on holidays. Learn how everything works. If you don't find it: RTFM = read the manual. If this brings no solution: look or ask here. We will help you sort things out.

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