Calling all Hobbies!

Sailing ... had a sailboat in Croatia, looking for a new one and got fed up doing the 6 hour journey in a car, needed something bigger to cart all the bits and pieces backwards and forwards with the possibility to slow down and do some sightseeing on the way.


Sailed Emsworth to East Head with Ben and Jack in our very leaky Mirror Dinghy that my father built in 1969.

5 miles
1hr 15m
Fishing. I don't use the Cali for coarse or match fishing, I have a Caddy for that, but the Cali is great for beachside accommodation while sea fishing. I can park near a mark then return to the van for a warm up and some soup in the middle of the night.

Sailed Emsworth to East Head with Ben and Jack in our very leaky Mirror Dinghy that my father built in 1969.

5 miles
1hr 15m
Wonderful picture! - my father built me my Mirror in 1975 - exactly the same colour, sail number 44492 and I had many fantastic years cruising and racing it around Chichester Harbour from Itchenor. That included ripping out the centre board case and trashing the rig while flat out planing over the hidden concrete fishermens walk at Emsworth while attempting team racing in F7 . Happy memories - thank you for the memory prompt :)
Wonderful picture! - my father built me my Mirror in 1975 - exactly the same colour, sail number 44492 and I had many fantastic years cruising and racing it around Chichester Harbour from Itchenor. That included ripping out the centre board case and trashing the rig while flat out planing over the hidden concrete fishermens walk at Emsworth while attempting team racing in F7 . Happy memories - thank you for the memory prompt :)

Ours is sail number 17972.

The first race we won was the team race in 1979 or 1980, always hosted by Emsworth Sailing Club. The “Fisherman’s Walk” was always a great obstacle that gave the home team an advantage!

With three brothers we had two mirrors in our team of three, and were rated (before the races) as Team C of 3 from Emsworth Sailing Club, i.e. the no-hopers.

We quickly worked out that if one of our boats won, all we had to do to guarantee overall victory in each race was not to come last.

In the final race, Emsworth A vs Emsworth C, we had one boat a clear winner but the other two in 4th and 6th meaning a loss overall. The boat in 4th actually turned around to sail back to take the wind from the boat in 5th place and pushing it into 6th giving us the victory with 1st, 4th and 5th place (9 3/4 points). Emsworth A came 2nd, 3rd and 6th (11 points).

Perhaps we have met.
Ours is sail number 17972.

The first race we won was the team race in 1979 or 1980, always hosted by Emsworth Sailing Club. The “Fisherman’s Walk” was always a great obstacle that gave the home team an advantage!

With three brothers we had two mirrors in our team of three, and were rated (before the races) as Team C of 3 from Emsworth Sailing Club, i.e. the no-hopers.

We quickly worked out that if one of our boats won, all we had to do to guarantee overall victory in each race was not to come last.

In the final race, Emsworth A vs Emsworth C, we had one boat a clear winner but the other two in 4th and 6th meaning a loss overall. The boat in 4th actually turned around to sail back to take the wind from the boat in 5th place and pushing it into 6th giving us the victory with 1st, 4th and 5th place (9 3/4 points). Emsworth A came 2nd, 3rd and 6th (11 points).

Perhaps we have met.


Hi folks. Just doing some research on what Hobbies your California allows you to enjoy. I would be grateful if you could post your hobby and what feature(s) of the Cali allows you to get the most out of it.

Thanks all.
I use ours as a portable lab for my wet plate photography. In fact we’re camping at the moment in woodland where I’ve been making plates all day. Wet plate was the first photography system that allowed a comparatively inexpensive way to permanently capture images and make negatives. (1851) Here’s one of todays plates. 9D6314ED-8CB1-47D8-9435-D13B0CBF6651.jpeg
We plan to put our one-person „Cloudhopper“ hot air balloon in the back of our California and fly it in interesting corners of Europe. I hate getting up early to fly, so this will be the minimum distance from bed to balloon!
I use ours as a portable lab for my wet plate photography. In fact we’re camping at the moment in woodland where I’ve been making plates all day. Wet plate was the first photography system that allowed a comparatively inexpensive way to permanently capture images and make negatives. (1851) Here’s one of todays plates. View attachment 98521
Wow! Change the hat and put on a high neck coat and that pic could be from the 19th century.
I use the Cali as a mobile hotel for the odd cycling sportif (Etape du Tour) etc.., however nowadays my other hobby is making side loading roofracks for Transporters and California's. I use the Cali as a test bed for the roofrack and associated fittings, and also as a demo vehicle at trade shows and the general public. Kept me busy all through lockdown. :)
Great place to start the process of learning how to play a ukulele
Me too. I don’t have a musical bone in my body but love a lot of folk music. I haven’t got very far as yet. I can strum “I went to the animal fair” in the chord of C and can do the first bit of Bob Marley’s “3 little birds” changing between C and F, next to get is G. Can also pick part of “smoke on the water”.

I got my 2 little grandaughters ukes too so purchased an online course with I thought if Al Start can teach kids to play, I might stand a chance.

I think at home the Cali on the drive will make a nice little practice space. We do a lot of folk festivals through the summer, but I keep forgetting to bring it along, doh!

Have you started yet, homerorchid?
Going to festivals. The Cali’s great for getting there no matter how far the drive, nice to chill out in if we arrive early (or get a kip in if very early), good to wind down in after the last concert of the day and I’m still buzzing (like now, me downstairs in the “lounge” while hubby’s asleep upstairs). With an Outdoor Revolution Outhouse Handi driveaway awning attached to the wind out awning, a pop up shower tent and a variety of outdoor cooking kit we unpack like a Swiss Army knife and have lots of space. We can also easily cope with whatever weather is thrown at us. We’re on our 10th festival since May and have our next (and last for this season) in a couple of weeks when I’m sure we’ll be grateful to be able to get warm and dry (especially if we’re stewarding on the last shift).

Then it’ll be overnight stopovers (usually Britstops) and a base for walking and/or cycling. Even just away for a one-nighter in the Cali feels like a week’s holiday.
Crochet! Peace and quiet to sit and indulge plus can listen to my music, drink wine and use the results of my endeavours in my van.View attachment 60047
I love the way you’ve added some colour and warmth to your Cali, Gillian.

I usually knit in the Cali and haven’t crocheted for ages, but am going to crochet myself a shawl, just need to order the yarn, the pattern‘s free from and pretty straightforward.
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We plan to put our one-person „Cloudhopper“ hot air balloon in the back of our California and fly it in interesting corners of Europe. I hate getting up early to fly, so this will be the minimum distance from bed to balloon!
This thread is useless without some pics ;) :thumb

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