Super Poster
VIP Member
Amazing and very impressive.Interesting topic.
Below is a link to state of Bristol 2018.
Bristol traffic is still terrible but the move away from the car has been dramatic.
Figures under Transport are worth a read and show how quickly things can change with the right policies.
===Quote from web link===
● Bristol has very high levels of walking and cycling compared to most other UK cities. In 2011 more people in Bristol commuted to work by bicycle or on foot than in any other local authority in England and Wales, at 57,000 (27% of the working age population)71.
● The number of people cycling to work in Bristol increased by 54% between 2011 and 201672.
● Over a quarter (28%) of Bristolians now ride a bike at least weekly (22% in the most deprived areas) (QoL 2017)73.
The cost of the Bristol cycling improvements was £23 million between 2008 and 2011. By comparison, the cost per mile of the M74 extension in Glasgow was £138 million.