Camper Mode



VIP Member
Grand California 680
Hi, just noticed something odd relating to Camper Mode in my GC. When using the van I normally have a 240v mains lead connected, either site power or from the Ecoflow. When connected to a mains supply the van enters Camper Mode automatically without doing anything.
We've just been away for a couple of nights without mains power and I forgot the Ecoflow power lead, so no 240v power. I tried to enter Camper Mode manually, but was suprised that nothing happened, the display did not turn blue and the step would not stay out. On returning home, plugging it to mains 240v and it entered Camper Mode automatically.
Can anyone confirm if this is normal, and if not how to fix it? I've just got the van back from VW who said they've done a couple of software updates, one for the step. I am sure that I could previously enter Camper Mode when not connected to mains.
You should be able to select ‘Camper Mode’ independent of the mains.Try resetting your control panel (turn the red isolator in the utility cupboard off, wait 10s, turn back on)
Many Thanks Gordon!
Just done the reset and I can now select Camper Mode without mains power again!
What a brilliant site this is for information!

I made the same experience. The "camper mode" has a mind of its own. It works for a while, then it stops. What it triggers to stop working I don't know. Sometimes to switch off power helps, but not always.

I gave up to use the camper mode altogether because it is not reliable (at least in my GC).

I booked this under "... it is just a Grand California thing ... :)

Unpredigtable Grand California
We have same issue with camper mode. The electronics in the GC are a bit of a joke.
We just had this same issue in Spain- first time it has occurred in almost a year of ownership. We did the mains reset and issue was fixed in a couple off minutes.
Can also confirm the same problem! Resolved with the latest update; as was the battery stuck on 0% (despite having lots of power). There was a “special update” due when I took it in for a service in Feb, and the issue looks resolved (we also finally got the new tap…). During habitation we also found out that the power socket under the bed (and never used) was reversed ‍♂️

As with all things GC, one takes the rough with the smooth. VW in Hereford come highly recommended; they know their stuff. As do the Breeze boys in Portsmouth (we’ve moved now, but will forever sing praises).

VW California Club
