Camperjam 2015



T5 SE 140
Hi, are there any fellow California Club members going to Camperjam 2015, we're hoping to go & see from the website that you can book under a club area. Just wondering if any one has added the California Club to the list, as there is a VW T5 California Club in the drop down? Would be great to meet some other members if you're going, if not then we may book the 'Home is where you park it' camping area.
Hmmm - looks interesting, not sure what we may have on for those dates (3 - 5 July), will have to ask SWMBO :D

Here's the link
Not my thing, we went last year with the grandkids and we don't fancy being crammed in again with smelly porta loos .

Plus week after is COTF :)
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This is our first year of festivals with our new California, so hoping to go to as many as poss to meet new people & learn more about camper living.
We were there last year, and we enjoyed it very much. We were relatively early, so we could find a nice spot on 'home is were you park it', somewhat secluded and with bushes in our back, not cramped at all.
We found the Club Area's (they are all together) are rather more noisy all through the night then other areas.. Each to his own, but we were glad we weren't there.
There were fellow Dutch T4/T5-club members on the family area. There it is more quiet in the evenings and during the nights.
The California Club is not currently listed on drop down menu to choose which club camping area but if there were a few of you who wanted to camp together as club members in Club Camping please let me know via pm or on this thread and I can get the office to put it on list for booking. Otherwise the Home is Where You Park it offers oodles of space and choice .... Family Camping tends to be quieter but hats nearly sold out already...
Just booked. Not been to Camper Jam before so looking forward to it.
We are off to Camperjam on Friday and staying in the California Club Camping area.
We promised ourselves we would go last year but missed all the camping tickets. We might go for the day instead.
We're going. Getting there Friday and will be in family camping. You should be able to spot us



VW California Club
