Can you ride tandem?


Paul Rodman

Just browsing
I am writing on behalf on the Tandem Club.

I believe some of you, VW California owners, may enjoy owning a tandem in addition to your VW.

In particular, having driven to a campsite, a tandem is the ideal way to explore a new area with no traffic queues or expensive parking. It also provides welcome exercise! It is ideal if you have two riders of unequal fitness. Both riders can talk to each other while riding.

I have enclosed a link to our Website: Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information, Kind Regards, Paul Rodman

Always loved the idea of a tandem but I think it would be interesting having one on the bike rack?
Always loved the idea of a tandem but I think it would be interesting having one on the bike rack?
We have a tandem and are members of the Tandem Club. The only place to transport our tandem is on the roof with a Pendle Tandem Rack. Unfortunately, the California is so high, it will require a sturdy platform to put it on or take it off.
Dear All,

Thank you for your interest! We struggled for years with a conventional tandem getting it onto the roof of our normal car. I would not recommend this. It would be worse with a VW California because of the extra height. We were not encouraged to take the tandem away from home. We now have a tandem with couplings so you can split the tandem into 2 pieces. The larger piece fits into most hatchback cars with the seat down. It would go on a rack on a VW California no problem. The smaller piece is also no problem once the front wheel is removed. We are now much happier carrying the tandem. Regards, Paul Rodman
Thank you for your interest! We struggled for years with a conventional tandem getting it onto the roof of our normal car.
We took our tandem on honeymoon with us to Croatia - but it was on the roof of a Peugeot 406 - a fairly low car.

It is an excellent way to see Europe's congested cities. Like Moses crossing the Red Sea, we find that on a tandem traffic gives way to us - especially when towing the double buggy and a dog or two trotting alongside.
Tried a tandem once with Mrs.

Nearly ended in divorce. Her leaning on one way, me the other. :(

(Should have known better after the disaster in the Canadian canoe :D )

VW California Club
