Cant open water tank



T5 SE 180
As per the manual I was going to open up the water tank using the lid located at the bottom of the cupboard. I removed the sensor first but it will not screw off (anti clockwise) no matter how much force I put into it. Any tips on removing this lid to get inside? I've done all the sterilising stuff over the years just wanted to get inside to properly clean it out.
This thread was showing as a similar thread and explains how people have done it in the past

You will need to make a tool, you need a piece of 2x1 and a couple of bolts with nuts,
drill a couple of holes and put the bolts through the wood so they both catch the fins on the lid, then it will twist off easy. Here’s one I made earlier.

If you can not open it by normal force it has probably to do with (a little) vacuum. For instance due to temperature. A trick is to open up the filling port on the outside to extract the vacuum.

VW California Club
