Can't park there



A Beach at a Bay,
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T6 Ocean 150
On "you & yours" today BBC radiio 4 consumer program today a bit about new developements having in the small print no campervan, motorhome, caravans or work vans allowed on the drive. Lady told if you want to buy a house you can't park your campervan at your house. Appears quite common with many new builds. Anyone had this issue. Think I would buy a couple of scrap cars and leave on the drive
Yeah it's a load of cobblers it's been in the deeds for new properties for years.
One of my sisters in law is a local government planner and she told me not to take any notice.
I have a work van and cali on my drive

Sent from my Galaxy S6
Yes and ignored. Covenant on the deeds.
Yeah it's a load of cobblers it's been in the deeds for new properties for years.
One of my sisters in law is a local government planner and she told me not to take any notice.
I have a work van and cali on my drive

Must be a slow news day then:thumb
As others have said a restrictive covenent and have been around for many years. When the estate is still being built they could be enforced by the developer. After all the houses have been sold I think the 'benefit' is transferred to whoever bought the houses after you and can only be enforced by them. i.e a neighbour who objected would have to try and enforce it. Sometimes the developer sets up a management company and they would then be the ones trying to enforce.
My previous house had one that I wasn't allowed to play a musical instrument in the garage :stop. Current house also has a no caravan or motorhome one but as I've got a Beach and that is according to the V5 a car I escape. My next-door neighbour occasionally parks his (LWB ducato) works van on his drive so not likely to object anyway
(should say I'm not in any way legally qualified so don't rely on my comments when making any decision on house decisions :thumb)
This is my line of work. owen_h has summed the situation up very well.
I have an estate wide covenant on parking of caravans and vans.

Every time I take my dogs for a walk I can't but help admire the wide selection of motorhomes and campers that appear parked on about every fifth drive.
My folks house had same condition since the 80s, they are allowed a caravan etc on their drive for 2 weeks of the year. In their estate people obey it.

In mine, same thing, people ignore it. Neighbour opposite has a caravan on his drive all year around, hence why his cars clog up the cul de sac. I can see why its introduced but its not enforced because there is no money in it.
Blocks of flats often have a similar clause in the lease stopping commercial vehicles being parked on the premises overnight, and boats on wheels too! Nothing is mentioned regarding motor homes.

Mostly this clause is ignored by all and sundry until there becomes an issue with a van blocking someones space. Then all hell breaks loose.

Lots of places also have height restrictions on vehicles oddly which can also cause problems for campers.
Presumably these things are in place to prevent estates being overrun by Simpsons styled 'Carnies', complete with caged wild animals and sideshows?

VW California Club
