Changing from a t6 to a grand California

How many of you use Grandcalifornia as a daily car?. if someone's using it for example for 2 months per year it would be for me totally a waste of money

I agree that Grandcalifornia is more comfortable during the holidays then Cali, but what then? garage? not everyone has such a high garage. I use my California as daily car but I don't think it is possible with the Grandcalifornia.
Most of us on here have previously had a Cali ie Ocean/Beach. so appreciate the consequences of its size, its no different to any other 6m campervan not really a daily drive so not purchased with that in mind.
If your needs change and you need a larger van what will you do!
Now I check and is much attractive plus, 9% +/- thank you!
I brought mine through Autoebid very good service, dealer not great at updates but Autoebid respond to questions very fast and chase dealer for info when needed.
I suggest the Eriba touring model, it is easy to tow and has good road holding. Even the new one looks like a classic, it keeps the price very well by resale
Hello Adno,

We had a T6 Ocean for about 4 years, which was my daily drive.

Old age caught up with us and because of this the "camping mode" of the T6 did not meet our needs anymore. Because of this we changed from the T6 Ocean to the GC 600.

I can't say that the GC 600 is my daily drive, but I use it as much as possible. If I need to leave the house I check if there is a suitable place the park the camper. If yes, I take the camper. Also if we (my dog and me) go for a walk in the close by Forest Park I take the camper. After the walk we have our "elevenses" and a bit of a rest. It is so comfortable :) .

But in general I must say that I need to get more and more my wifes car. As long as she was working from home, that was no problem. Now with Ireland open up more and more, and people go back to work into the offices, there is more planning needed.


VW California Club
