Cobb - Recipes



Lifetime VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
I used our new Cobb at the weekend and I must say I'm very, very impressed!
There's not much out there in terms of things to cook on it apart from the normal BBQ type items and I'm needing some inspiration. So I was just wondering if anyone had some cool recipes / tips whilst they've been using theirs? :)
If you are on Facebook have a look at The Cobb & Safire Cooking Club group. It has lots of hints and tips for using and cooking with your Cobb and members are updating recipes nearly every day.
Thanks Dan :thumb that's fab, will take a look tonight - it'll be good to see what people are cooking up on them.
We have had one for years and use it A LOT! We're not particularly adventurous though, and I know people do some spectacular stuff with theirs. When we're camping, we often do pork joints or roast chicken in there though. This week I cooked jacket potatoes before we left home and took them with us wrapped in foil, and we bunged them in the Cobb with the chicken for them to heat up again. It was an awesome dinner, and we had lots of visitors drawn to us by the wonderful cooking smell!
As an experiment I did - hunters chicken breasts, potatoes and corn on the cobb last night on the back garden mmmmmm they were fab! and I'm now in the good books with the wife :). Will post some pictures later! I found a brilliant way of lighting bbq briquettes in the little cage too - put them on the portable gas hob for a minute - that gets them going!!
Decided on a Cobb (compact) after a lot of faffing on the net. It got delivered today, right now cooking a hunk of lamb leg with Cobb out on the garden table, as a home test.

I used a Cobb cobblestone this time. I guess we'll move to briquettes, given they're so much cheaper. But watching the cobblestone light up is like magic - almost instant heat!

Now... can anyone tell me how long an 800g piece of lamb is going to take? I'll just open a tube of the red stuff while waiting for the forum to do its magic...
Decided on a Cobb (compact) after a lot of faffing on the net. It got delivered today, right now cooking a hunk of lamb leg with Cobb out on the garden table, as a home test.

I used a Cobb cobblestone this time. I guess we'll move to briquettes, given they're so much cheaper. But watching the cobblestone light up is like magic - almost instant heat!

Now... can anyone tell me how long an 800g piece of lamb is going to take? I'll just open a tube of the red stuff while waiting for the forum to do its magic...
The Red stuff is the key to good Cobb cooking. Open a bottle or three (with friends of course) and let the Cobb get on with it. In my experience give quite a bit longer than you would think if needs and don't keep peeking as it let's the heat out. However you will need to turn it over, the lamb that is not the Cobb.
When we ordered our Cobb we received some of those Cobble stone things and have found that unless you use them very quickly they are completely useless as you can't even light them with a blow lamp. They must lose their umph. They were free with the Cobb and I now know why. We now use briquettes or lump charcoal. Just fill up the basket, set it alight, wait until the contents are grey and chuck the meat on with lots of garlic and rosemary of course. Then drink lots of the red stuff.
If you have a Cobb thermometer stick it into the meat through one of the holes in the lid. From memory it says for lamb about 180 degrees in the centre.
It does a great gamon joint with a coating of thick Oxford seville marmalade. Cook the gamon and then wrap the joint in tin foil about 30 mins from it being fully cooked having first applied the marmalade. Yum yum.
I found a quick and easy way of lighting the briquettes without using firelighters, pop 6/8 briquettes in the little cage - pup them on the potable gas stove for about a minute - wack them in the cobb - done! no fuss and they last for hours! Not the best food presentation but who's bothered when you're starving!

Did potatoes, chicken, corn on cobb, garlic bread, a burger, then some more chicken legs for the whole family.....and there was still life left in the coals

Best bit of kit I've bought for ages!
We love our Cobb and have tried A LOT of other BBQ's. Yesterday we did a full roast chicken with potatoes on ours. It melted in the mouth

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