Column switches, indicator stalk - smoking



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This is an odd one but common it seems. Turns out the steering column switches (indicators/wipers) are a weak point and fail causing whiffs of smoke to appear from the cowling around the steering wheel.
Google it.
Quite scary when it happens. Mine also caused the flasher unit to have a fit!

Luckily a French supermarket saved the day and I managed to find some electrical contact cleaner which cured the issue. You can buy anything in a French super market. I'd almost given up when I spotted it in the same aisle as the hydrochloric acid and live fishing bait, obvious really. Try that in Tescoburys.

Anyway I've ordered a new one, reassuringly expensive due to the cruise control bit but cheaper than a new van!

I'll post some "how to pics" when I install it, assuming the air bag doesn't kill me in the process.
My ‘haha’ reaction relates to your supermarket observations, not that a Westy developed a fault.......oh hang on, that was a VW not a Westy failure!
Pretty sure it was actually a T5 development part?
So I replaced the indicator switch today with a new gen item.

It’s a fairly straight forward job, the only interesting bit is removing the air bag.

Once the column cowling has been removed it’s a case of using a small flat blade screwdriver to access the spring clips that hold the air bag module in place. You just need to use the force to feel the clip and push the driver in towards the centre of the wheel. The air bag module will pop out one side at a time..


The spring clip can be seen inside the rectangular slot above the bit coil spring.

Once this is done it’s a simple case of removing the steering wheel. Do make a mark so you can re-install it it the same position.

The small red plunger is held down by the large tab washer under the steering wheel nut.


New switch installed.

I think this burning issue is a case of dirt and dust inside the switch. I’d deffo recommend stripping them out and cleaning with contact cleaner. DO Not use WD40.
I cleaned out the gut of the wiper switch. I did find a small burnt section of plastic. Hopefully all will be ok.
Good job, are the parts expensive, if not it might have been worth replacing the wiper stalk too.By any chance does your steering wheel have any play in it, like sideways or up down movement? I've heard of some T4 owners mention this and that there is some washer along the Collum that can be compressed more to tighten things up.
Regards Padraic.
I’m not aware of any play in the column..

I had ordered the wiper stalk at the same time but it’s obsolete. There are plenty of second hands ones around but they’re just likely to be as worn/dirty.

I’ll have to search Gbay for one.
Not T4 related, but I have cleaned 2 indicator stalks, one from my previous Golf 4 and one from a friend's Passat.
The stalks were giving false contacts, making the sound of the indicator relay happening just when driving.
Due to the wear of the brass contacts that slide across, there was brass dirt collecting between the contacts, making it sound like you were indicating.
Took them off, opened them, cleaned the brass contacts, adding new grease on the contacts, closed them and refitted them again. On my Golf, it was working good for a year, then it began again. Then I replaced the stalk.
Haven't heard any problems from my friend yet, after 3-4 years now, so all must be ok. That was the second try, and I did it more thoroughly.
The smoke must be from dust collecting, and then when indicating, you create small sparks because you really slide 12V around.
Haven't opened a T4 indicator stalk, so I don't really know if it is repairable or not? Unless there were really flames that melted the insides, making it impossible to repair?
All sounds about right. I was getting the false flasher relay clicking.

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