dash cam wifi connection?



Ocean, 150 DSG.
T6 Ocean 150
Hi, got a question and hoping the forum has network people who can help.
I have dash cam DR650S Blackvue. connects to my phone ok and the cloud via mobile wifi plugged in to 12volt supply by sink in the T6 every thing works ok. I cannot get it to connect to the house wifi which is Apple express. This unit has 5ghz and 2.4ghz. And is with in 10' of the T6. Any help would be appreciated.
But does the 10' include a cavity wall with foil backed insulation foam in the cavity? That could well be enough to screen the signal. Can you take the dashcam into the house to test it?
No nothing in-between.
I am being generous with 10' it is more like 6' clear run.
As to the dash cam I can connect to it remotely when the camera is connected to the T6 wifi. I can be in a shop and view on my phone what is happening front and rear so I know the camera is ok. I think it is a setting with the Apple express.
What exactly are you trying to do?

You are describing trying to connect a wireless device (the dash cam) to a wireless network (your home router - the Apple Express). That does not really make sense. It's a bit like trying to extend a wireless network by adding another router or configuring a wireless device to be a hot spot - but the dash cam is neither a router nor can it be a hot spot. It is just a target wireless device.

Presumably the dash cam is view-able remotely via an app on your phone. So, when at your home, your phone will be connected to your home network and the dash cam will still be view-able via the app on your phone. Is that not happening?
deccauk, that is correct so when the vehicle is parked up I want to view on my phone but cannot.
What phone have you got? Is it connected to the the dash-cam wireless network BLACKVUE WI-FI when it works? I suspect that when at home, your phone automatically re-connects to your Apple Express network so then it will not see the dash-cam. You would need to manually reconnect to BLACKVUE WI-FI to see the camera.
No it is hard wired into the vehicle, (stay on for a set time), and works with the mobile wifi in the T6. But I want to use the home network as to save on mobile data. when I'm away from the house I have no option.
Yes the phone connects to the black vue wifi
What do you mean by mobile wifi in the T6? Have you got a wireless network in there?
Yes I have wireless in the van. 4G. Buzzard 2.
OK - I need more info now! When you can succesfully view the dashcam on your phone, what network is the phone connected to - the Buzzard or the Blackvue? Are you in the van at this point?
if I am standing close to the T6, I connect to the Camera.
If I am away the buzzard 2 wifi is on and I connect via the cloud service.
So every thing with the system is working. I want. it to connect to the Apple airport express when parked at home, so I don't use my mobile data.
Yes I have and all the settings are correct, it has to be a setting with the Apple airport express.
I'm assuming that you have added your home network (Apple Express) as the first item in the list of three wifi hotspots of the camera. If so and it does not connect, you may have set up the Apple Express in 5GHz mode. It needs to be 2.4GHz. The camera will not connect to a 5GHz network (page 66 of the manual).

VW California Club
