"Dear John" letter



South Wales
Grand California 600
Have you had yours yet? From VW? "It's my fault ....... it's nothing to do with you ....... I still think about you a lot ...... of course you're still important to me ....... but we need to spend some time apart .......". Yep, my GC won't be with me when I thought it would be.

OK, OK, I understand it's geopolitical, and I am very aware that thousands of people are dying while I'm just grumpy because my shiny new toy hasn't arrived, but I was a little bit peeved by this bit, "Your Van Centre will have been keeping you up to date behind the extended lead times we are experiencing" ....... er, no! And no commitment to honouring agreements on price, on trade in ......

Anyone else got opinions or info? Please share if you have - we can be sad together!
Have you had yours yet? From VW? "It's my fault ....... it's nothing to do with you ....... I still think about you a lot ...... of course you're still important to me ....... but we need to spend some time apart .......". Yep, my GC won't be with me when I thought it would be.

OK, OK, I understand it's geopolitical, and I am very aware that thousands of people are dying while I'm just grumpy because my shiny new toy hasn't arrived, but I was a little bit peeved by this bit, "Your Van Centre will have been keeping you up to date behind the extended lead times we are experiencing" ....... er, no! And no commitment to honouring agreements on price, on trade in ......

Anyone else got opinions or info? Please share if you have - we can be sad together!
Got ours yesterday........it was on nice glossy paper though......
Got ours yesterday........it was on nice glossy paper though.....
Have you had yours yet? From VW? "It's my fault ....... it's nothing to do with you ....... I still think about you a lot ...... of course you're still important to me ....... but we need to spend some time apart .......". Yep, my GC won't be with me when I thought it would be.

OK, OK, I understand it's geopolitical, and I am very aware that thousands of people are dying while I'm just grumpy because my shiny new toy hasn't arrived, but I was a little bit peeved by this bit, "Your Van Centre will have been keeping you up to date behind the extended lead times we are experiencing" ....... er, no! And no commitment to honouring agreements on price, on trade in ......

Anyone else got opinions or info? Please share if you have - we can be sad together!
Likewise… Took my deposit beginning of November and not heard a dickie bird until the glossy letter landed with the ”it’s all a bit hard at the moment”. Customer service is non existent from the dealer.
You guys are lucky. I have had no contact from Landrover. When I do get in touch, I'm told semiconductor issues....blah, blah.

Now this is wearing thin as cars ordered 6, 7 and 8months after my early April 2022 order have arrived. Indeed my car could have been supplied last September but only if I accepted the analogue dash. Having paid for the digital dash and landrover shipping base models with the digital dash ordered after mine this was somewhat of a ........ take in a high end version

I haven't spoken to my Dealer since Jan when I asked for an new year update and was told that if he had news he would get in touch.

However my contingency BMW vehicle order should arrive next month
I am going to buy another watch and sell my Merc while I wait....

VW California Club
