Decision time.



VIP Member
T5 SE 130
well it's been almost a year of ownership Nd the times spent in the van have been amazing but sadly far too few for my liking.
New job opportunities in the new year could mean I'm out of the country for even longer periods of time. So I'm starting to think of letting Sally the Cali go to a new home.
I'm not too sure what will replace her if anything at all for a while. Might just leave a run around at home. After owning T5s for the last 7/8 years it's going to be a bit odd not having one. But life changes.
This forum has been great and I might still pop in from time to time. If I do decide to sell.
No good news , if you can affort it and got a storage place for it i would not let it go...
On the other hand if you do get a good price you can't refuse , the money+ some saving could end up buying a T6 next year....
I know all of these things have gone through my head. My other half won't drive it as its left hand drive and scares her. Lol so it's safe.
I'm thinking of just leaving the money in the bank and see what happens. I've put lots of time and money into the van too. Hunting down the correct fith seat the black bike rack to match the awning. Somebody will be getting a very nice van. But the prices for them are all over the place. It's what somebody is willing to pay!
Best wishes what ever you decide on but I bet camoervan is now in the blood
How long is the job opportunity for, does it have a probationary period? It would be awful to decide it's not for you and to have sold Sally. Are there any good friends you could loan it to for a fee?!
I've been doing the job since last January but the terms are changing that will keep me out of the country for much longer.
Camper and and VWs ha e always been in my blood my first was an early bay Devon at 17. I'm thinking of going back to air cooled as a toy in the garage and a sensible car for the family.
I think you have answered your own question in your last sentence!!!!!

VW California Club
