Did they fix the leaky side window for the the 6.1?



Donosti, Basque Country
T6.1 Ocean 150
I've searched for recent complaints of this but not turned any up - is it fixed?

My T5 has the felt seal around the window and leaked, undetected until it had ruined the floor, interior trim and rusted the seat bases! I just sealed the gap with silicone in disgust and took the handle off.

Noticed the T6.1 I looked at in the showroom has a soft rubber seal instead of felt. Does this fix the problem, assuming it's kept clean? The Spain market Ocean seems to have a sliding window on each side, so potentially double the leaks!
Mine hasn't leaked so far but I have noticed that when washing the vehicle water sits in the bottom ledge. The drain isn't blocked just need to get the van off level for it to drain.
Handy to know, thanks. Was surprised to see the same window on the 6.1, they must've warrented loads on the T5
The T6.1 has a whole diffrent sligding window than the previous models so there must be a reason for this change .
Personal i don’t think there was a huge problem with the old style window , as with many things there’s bad luck and bad maintenance involved .
Looked the same to me?

In my case, the sliding pins wore flat, so the window didn't press hard enough against the frame. I tried to adjust them but no better, just sealed it all up until I can get around to replacing the entire thing.
No they still leak , mine needs the window changing. VW have said the unit has failed water tracking along not tracking down through the drain between the glass and body ,poor fitting or the unit has failed.
I’m just in the process of replacing the seal around the window. My problem is the window was stuck after it was glued to be closed with silicone by the previous owner. Now I have managed to open it but the the seal need to be replaced. Does anyone have a picture what it should look like? I have a T5.
I have a 2008 T5 - where exactly do you want a picture of? show me yours and I will show you mine :)
The sliding window. Especially the frame how the seal looks like and is mounted.

oh my that is a mess, I can't even see what I am looking at! can you take one from further back? I will take some snaps tomorrow
Do any of these help?

If you can identify where you want zoomed in I can go back and take more


inside with window open
outside window open
Just rub it in ! As you can see from my pictures below the seal has come off. But appears that the seal is mounted on the frame and not on the sliding window. Maybe I can glue the seal back again but then I will certainly have the leakage the previous owner had, before he closed the window for good with silicone. I would like to use it. My window is over the sink, but I guess it’s the same construction in the sliding door.




identical on both sides I believe so if you have the other side working you have something to copy.

Personally I would silicone it back up and cook outside on a cadac! My experience with cooking with the window open is that it blew the flame about too much so I cook with it closed anyhow
I only have on one side. I was hoping to get a new seal. I would an easy task to replace the seal around the frame. Could say if there is a seal also on the sliding blade?
Would be nice to use the window, but plan B is to just silicone it back again.
Excellent. Shout if you need any more photos. You might also be able to find some YouTube repair videos that show it well as fixing leaky original windows isn't that unusual, sadly..
Thanks. I could use some closeups of how the seal is mounted on the sliding part. As I understand there is no seal in the frame. I have dismounted the window and ordered D-frame seal and a new locking mechanism.
The sliding window will come out of the frame,
you need to be careful not to break the glass but it is fairly easy to remove.
I did I’d it on my old t5.1

whilst the sliding window is out, replace the sliding pins, which is one of the reasons the window leaks in the first place (they are made of plastic and wear flat so the window does not pull up on the seal correctly)

once the sliding window is out it should be possible to refit the seal properly and replace the pins.

if I can find a video I will post it here (I have posted it before)

edit: Video contained within this thread

thread with metal pins replacing plastic - this is a new window, but the pins can be replaced in an old window to replicate the ma petal pins in this one

once the seal is bonded back onto the window, apply some silicone oil to the visible face of seal, the silicone will recondition the rubber and cause it to swell every so slightly, which will help it seal better.

use Gummi Pflege as part of your maintenance regime, to keep the seal in good condition and pliable, applied to the seal several times a year, allow to dry before closing the window.
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Great advice! Yes, the window is off. I didn’t plan to replace the pins but that seem like worth doing. Any suggestions where to find metal ones? I have seen the video where the pins are replaced
Do you have a small engineering shop near you.
very very simple for them to make up a few pair, if not measure the diameter of the pins and order some stock bar metal online (stainless steel would be best)
Finally managed to get another pic.

I can't see anything rubber in the frame, it is all hard plastic.

With regards to the window, it looks that the seal is maybe just pressed into a groove in the window, but I don't really want to pick at it to check if it is removable in case I create myself a new problem :)

Does this help? Looks like the seal sits all the way around the window



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