Did you get your share of the Sahara Yesterday.



VIP Member
West Sussex
Just been cleaning some of our share of Sahara sand dust of my Cali. :crazy

Yesterday did you, like me, wake up to a coating of grimy orange dust blotches that had been deposited by rain on your Cali.The phenomenon appeared to have covered a wide area with reports coming in from towns and cities all over the UK.

On 23rd June last week a storm swept up a large amount of sand and dust from the western Sahara up into the atmosphere.

It spread westwards over the Atlantic before getting caught up in a strong southerly wind, dragging it north over Spain before it arrived over the UK.

In the atmosphere, over the UK, the sand and dust got mixed up in warm and humid air which caused thunder storms and heavy rain in the UK.

The dust can get caught up in the water droplets in clouds which then fall to the ground and when the water evaporates a thin layer of dust is left on surfaces - like our Cali's bodywork.

Many people noticed this in the South West of the UK yesterday, with the dust then spreading north and east overnight to bring it to a much wider area.

I won't complain thou as our little temperate Island has been submitted to a unusually high amount of unusual weather phenomenon lately including flooding tornado's and even giant hailstones.

There are always winners and losers in these situations.

The dust storm was delivering a bonus to car washes which were busy with drivers wanting to get their motors clean. :thumb

However, it caused a headache for car sales lots where staff were faced with a massive clean-up operation. :headwall

We got it just north of Banbury. That afternoon, Burbage (Hinkley) got the giant hail stones. A friends car and probably caravan look to be written off and one entire street of new build houses look like they need to be re-roofed. Lots of videos on YouTube!
Loads of dusty/rain over the cars here (S Wales) weds/thurs :headwall
Feel for the people with rain and storm damage.
Cleaned the Cali looked great next day looks like a Cali shaped sand castle .. Nightmare ...least I can use me hose pipe now though otherwise I would ha e been double pi**ed off ... Lol :)
DONT try just putting a sponge and water to it will scratch your paint to bits .try and pressure wash it or snow foam it .or use a hose pipe .this dust is like glass on the paint work .we had it thursday night in weymouth dorset .looks good on my black van not . :headwall
Was a complete PITA down here.

Our just cleaned and very shiny BM looked like it had been rallying through a field, our Cali which had also been washed at the dealers looked similarly shoddy. Car washes were RAMMED with cars!

Both cleaned again, it's rained and they seem okay. It's a bit of a pain being slightly OCD about car cleaning...and claying...and polishing... etc... :oops:
How annoying... 3 hr wash polish and super polish, wheels, rubber, shiny shiny. Now looks like it's been in the beach for a month. Will hose down :(
sebking said:
How annoying... 3 hr wash polish and super polish, wheels, rubber, shiny shiny. Now looks like it's been in the beach for a month. Will hose down :(

I'd done similar too. Darn!

And my wash routine is a wee bit lengthy too (pre rinse, snow foam, pressure wash, soap with mitt and two buckets, rinse with open hose, dry off with two MF cloths) - miss any part and it just feels wrong!
yep mitts, two polishing clothes etc etc

and will have to redo at the w/e before I put the mud flaps on!

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