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Disgusted by fellow camper habits



VIP Member
T4 Hightop
We took a short break with the van, touring the region around the "three country point".
Upon returning to a parking lot just outside the centre of Maastricht, we saw a brand new mobile home, rental one, leaving. A moment later we realised they had just dumped the toilet cassette, just where they had parked. What you see is indeed what you're thinking of, absolutely shocking disgusted by this type of behavior.
If anyone asks himself why the average citizen or local gouvernment doesn't like us anymore, seek no further. We passed a lot of parking spaces with brand new hight barriers, and as we have a hightop... My brain still struggling with what we saw :Depressed:sad:eek:

We took a short break with the van, touring the region around the "three country point".
Upon returning to a parking lot just outside the centre of Maastricht, we saw a brand new mobile home, rental one, leaving. A moment later we realised they had just dumped the toilet cassette, just where they had parked. What you see is indeed what you're thinking of, absolutely shocking disgusted by this type of behavior.
If anyone asks himself why the average citizen or local gouvernment doesn't like us anymore, seek no further. We passed a lot of parking spaces with brand new hight barriers, and as we have a hightop... My brain still struggling with what we saw :Depressed:sad:eek:

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That’s disgusting and totally antisocial.
Oh - that is just horrible behaviour :eek:
makes a change for motorhomers to actually have a sh1t in the toilet. but i suppose they don't mind in a rental. you should report them to the rental company with the reg plate
Disgusting I agree, but I am a little confused as to how they would do that?
I understood most such campervans were based on cassette toilets that have to be removed and emptied, not just ejected as in waste water
So does that mean they got out of there van and physically emptied it in full visibility of any one in the car park
So does that mean they got out of there van and physically emptied it in full visibility of any one in the car park
apparently yes, can't imagine why though; could report it to local authorities but only have first 2 registration characters, as I didn't pay special attention as they drove by...
Reporting it so it can be cleaned up, and adding that as a motorhome owner you were disgusted at this behaviour, pointing out it was a rental van, might show that "van owners" care about this type of behaviour.
and we wonder why we get a bad name and free spots get shut down and "no overnight" signs arrive. Dirty ruckers.
World has gone mad. Same evening we stayed at a "Park4Night" spot, a vineyard in Belgium. After a good glass of wine and soms nice chit chat, the owner expressed his doubts on keeping the place open... Stories of people throwing unsorted trash bags out the window while driving away, finding content of toilet cassettes between the vines, bottles in the flower beds.
Just had a discussion that afternoon with the wife about disappearing adventures and increasing regulations... but what can we expect!?
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We took a short break with the van, touring the region around the "three country point".
Upon returning to a parking lot just outside the centre of Maastricht, we saw a brand new mobile home, rental one, leaving. A moment later we realised they had just dumped the toilet cassette, just where they had parked. What you see is indeed what you're thinking of, absolutely shocking disgusted by this type of behavior.
If anyone asks himself why the average citizen or local gouvernment doesn't like us anymore, seek no further. We passed a lot of parking spaces with brand new hight barriers, and as we have a hightop... My brain still struggling with what we saw :Depressed:sad:eek:

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Sadly the days of free camping are over , municipalities are clamping down on these disgusting habits.
on the Algarve you are now forbidden to free camp and will be moved or fined, or both. We have heard so many times of similar disgusting habits of a few lazy people , who spoil it for the many.
We took a short break with the van, touring the region around the "three country point".
Upon returning to a parking lot just outside the centre of Maastricht, we saw a brand new mobile home, rental one, leaving. A moment later we realised they had just dumped the toilet cassette, just where they had parked. What you see is indeed what you're thinking of, absolutely shocking disgusted by this type of behavior.
If anyone asks himself why the average citizen or local gouvernment doesn't like us anymore, seek no further. We passed a lot of parking spaces with brand new hight barriers, and as we have a hightop... My brain still struggling with what we saw :Depressed:sad:eek:

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During the pandemic, buying and renting motorhomes exploded. Many of these new "users" have never camped in their lives and I think when all this is over, many of them will also give up camping. I have been camping practically my whole life and this is just a way of life, for those I mentioned above it was just an attempt, which will not last longer than a pandemic.
What is even going through the minds of these people as they're dumping their sh*t on the tarmac - its insane! Have they not even the tiniest inner voice saying that this is wrong?
You can bet the very same people would be the ones ranting at a dog owner not picking up after their dog... Afraid its a sign of the times we live in, some people only care about themselves.
When you finally rule out insanity and evil acts, then you are sadly left the realisation of a thought through purposeful act, there is no other logical conclusion
Why so visible, other than a discrete hedgerow (which of course I am not condoning)
It’s a “dirty protest” probably at lack of free of charge emptying facilities on route, they probably don’t pay for campsites either.
I.e. The usual activist protest movement that we have all “woke up to” this last couple of years
Me thinks it’s time for the silent polite law abiding majority to start fighting back and not give up our society to these social fascists.
We should all vow next time we are faced with such acts to challenge them, call them out vocally and publicly, photograph them, report them to the police
If we simply accept it and turn the other way, we are lost,,,,

ANGRY from Cheshire
I’ve been travelling around France, I got to the French Riviera, and I have never been anywhere like it for motorhome intolerance. I am not exaggerating when I say virtually every car park has a height limit (1.9m) and a big ban sign. Cannes has a 24/7 ban on motor homes stopping anywhere in the municipality, with tow away signs, bylaws were introduced in 2010. Unusually for France there are no Aires either. Small vans can find somewhere, on the outskirts but anything bigger has nowhere they can park, let alone overnight.
Sadly the days of free camping are over , municipalities are clamping down on these disgusting habits.
on the Algarve you are now forbidden to free camp and will be moved or fined, or both. We have heard so many times of similar disgusting habits of a few lazy people , who spoil it for the many.
The law has been relaxed in Portugal following appeal. You can wild camp for up to 48 hours in each municipality now.

I’ve been travelling around France, I got to the French Riviera, and I have never been anywhere like it for motorhome intolerance. I am not exaggerating when I say virtually every car park has a height limit (1.9m) and a big ban sign. Cannes has a 24/7 ban on motor homes stopping anywhere in the municipality, with tow away signs, bylaws were introduced in 2010. Unusually for France there are no Aires either. Small vans can find somewhere, on the outskirts but anything bigger has nowhere they can park, let alone overnight.
This statement is the conclusion of your personal experience and in that city it is like it is (and like you state). Yes, the height barriers are more and more common in car parks -not on camper places- in France but are usually 2m. Anyway, one is therefore not on those car parks.
For the rest of France: there are a few thousand camper places in France, literally almost every village or city has one or even several. These can be with or without facilities, for free or for a little fee, some from a campsite so that you can even shower. You will find a lot of 'flot blues' (sani column) and there you can empty the chemical toilet (!), take fresh water and usually also discharge grey water.
There are good apps such as camper contact but especially Park4night that help you on your way to your sleeping place (also campsites because you can always pay for a place at a campsite too).
It is still possible to stand free in many places, although this is no longer ‘allowed’ everywhere. I come across more 'No overnight parking' in the UK and I keep coming :D (but must first buy 4 passports for us). This all also applies to the larger campervans and motorhomes and all this is just some extra info ;)
I can also add Monaco to Cannes -although this is actually not France- but with a California (the small campervan) you can drive in without any problems, tour around (also a bizarre experience) and even park underground. You can spend the night on a 'free camper place/parking) with a great view of Monaco: aire de Beausoleil, take the lower part of the car park with the benches. Stunning!

About the sh*t picture: :sad:shocked
I can only 'hope' that this is an accident of inexperienced campers because if this is willful, well, this is so reprehensible!
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Now, for years, the few have been giving an image that 'the ignorant' have of us, the camper who leaves behind his garbage and worse. We all come across them once or more, those with the bad image of us and also those who continue to reinforce it.
This was also the case decades before and this can only change if there are more agreements such as regular camper places, how bad this sounds to some, not to me: easy to detect by app, a lot of them and -often- clean... and why? because we are many. If we pay attention ourselves, it will run loose.
And indeed many novice campervan/motorhome owners have joined and for me everyone can taste the wonderful motorhome world. We were all beginners at one time and didn't know if it was for us or not. My parents bought their first motorhome (bedford) in 1980 and I was there; they were starters then and I am glad they tried. Now I'm still camping but also still learning and I will never feel accomplished. That's why, for me everyone is welcome, including the 'pandemic buyers' (who may even soon sell everything back). My wife knew nothing about the camping world and now loves it, you see.
Although I hope they learn to operate their campervan or motorhome well so that I don't have to come across such sh*t photos anymore :D