Dog crate for T6 Ocean


Neil Bennett

Scottish Borders
T6 Ocean 150
Hi has anyone found a dog crate transporter that fits the Cali Ocean perfectly. I transport our dogs with the back mattress and metal bed extension removed, but they keep jumping up to see,out the window creating a right mess. A good fitting crate would solve the problem. Any other suggestions welcome!


Hi Neil
you didn't mention what type of dogs you have so it makes it difficult to recommend any particular box.
I'd suggest going to a large pet store and just ask if you can try a variety of boxes till you find the one that suits you best.
If you want to go top end you can get boxes custom made to your exact requirements from companies like Lintran or Cab Transit Boxes (google search will bring them up). Both are very expensive but are excellent quality and always have a good resale value.
Hope that helps.
Yes I understand.
We have a Vizla too (great dogs) and he rides on the back parcel shelf with a cover on the mattress section. So I don't use a crate at all in that vehicle as placing one high up it blocks all visibility for the driver.

Our dog is particularly unhappy if he can't look out the window so it's not practical for us to put a crate lower down.
If this isn't an issue for you and you're want a crate to take both dogs on the floor of the van and then stack stufff above in safety I would definitely look at the Cab Transit Boxes.

Expensive as said (£400/500) but incredibly tough and easily strong enough to take some weight above, so ideal for stacking luggage etc on top. They take a few weeks to make as each is a custom order.

The main benefit is you can specify the exact size and dimensions needed to fit the vehicle.
But not worth it if you don't think you'll keep the van for a long time.

If I'm taking all the dogs out with me I put a Cab Box below for my spaniels and the Viz sits above on the shelf as described. NB. Dogs in crates are much safer than loose around the vehicle - but it's just not practical for him so we have to compromise on that one.

Also to note is that putting a crate higher up can be difficult for large dogs to get into.
Ours wear little harnesses we attach to the seatbelts.

We did find a collapsible dog crate thats good on site but we struggled to get it fixed in a way that made us feel they were safe.
I have a Lintran box, which I like so much it was one of the reasons I ended up with a conversion to suit it, rather than a Cali. I bought mine off ebay, new would have cost lots.

Hamster Baskets will make a cage to fit, very friendly when I enquired. Barjo too but never seen one.
Ours wear little harnesses we attach to the seatbelts.

We did find a collapsible dog crate thats good on site but we struggled to get it fixed in a way that made us feel they were safe.

+1 for that. Our spaniel is very happy and (reasonably, I think) secure for most of the time on the road with harness plus seat-belt buckle strap combo. Not sure how a pair of bigger dogs would fit on the bench, though.

A collapsible soft-sided crate is still very useful on some trips and doesn't take up too much room when folded down. We can then put her in it when she's been mud-diving, or take it out of van for use (eg) at friends' houses or (shock horror) on the odd occasions when we've decamped from the van to stay a night in a nice hotel.
I got a harnas to put in the seatbelt .
And a foldable crate that we put up behind the front seats (living area ) so we can see the dog and she is low to the floor.
We been using the crate most the times lately .

Some countries it is forbiden to travel with dogs unsecured in the car , even on the rear shelf it it no good There needs to be a separation above the seats to prevent dogs crawling over but most of all become a projectile in case of accident.

Looots to read if you go to existing treads
A simple random search gives plenty treads...
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IMG_2763.JPG We have this one from pet planet. Folds flat fits perfectly in living area. Because it's a soft crate there is no damage to the interior. We use overnight in the drive away.
Mine is thesame system as shown by @Granny1 above and very happy with it.
We have this one from pet planet. Folds flat fits perfectly in living area. Because it's a soft crate there is no damage to the interior. We use overnight in the drive away.

Yes our pooch also v. happy in a soft crate. The one we have (similar to Granny1's in general design, there are loads on Amazon) is extremely easy to fold down in a couple of seconds. Obviously not a good choice though if your dog is a chewer.
We use the Ferplast Atlas plastic crate - largest one in the range. Fits nicely on the rear shelf behind the seat leaving the space free underneath for all our clobber

VW California Club
