Dometic CDF-36 cutting out when on leisure battery power



T6 Beach 150
Hi all, apologies if this type of thing is covered elsewhere but I can't find what I need. I have a CDF-36 fridge/freezer for my 2018 Cali Beach and it works fine when driving but cuts out when the engine is off after 2 or 3 minutes and give a low power warning......which cant be right as the original battery is in good shape according to VW.
So does anyone know what my options are? Don't know if I can bypass the low power cut off on the fridge (or why it even cuts out) so I'm a bit stumped and worried that at one off grid campsite I have booked I'll be without a working fridge.
Advice welcome!
First thing to look at: What is the voltage displayed on the control panel when you have this problem?
Second point: Is the fridge properly connected to an leisure battery socket?
You don't get a voltage readout in a beach do you?
No control panel - no voltage readout. Yes all the power sockets take power from the leisure battery. I believe the engine battery tops it up when the engine is running. I have a volt meter and have checked all power sockets when the engine is off and they all read 12 V supply live
Likely due to voltage drop & solved by hardwiring the fridge to the leisure battery

good post by @Amarillo on the subject on this forum
No control panel - no voltage readout. Yes all the power sockets take power from the leisure battery. I believe the engine battery tops it up when the engine is running. I have a volt meter and have checked all power sockets when the engine is off and they all read 12 V supply live
Have a look in the user manual, there is an adjustment procedure. You may not be in the right setting mode. But personally I don't have this fridge, so I can't help you more.

long thread has the info in it though
Thanks all, will do some more research on all the points you raise and see where I get :)
Thanks all, will do some more research on all the points you raise and see where I get :)
Adjust the cut out setting. - user manual
Pre cool the fridge before putting in the van to prevent the fridge workin* too hard to reach temp and drawing on the Lesuire bat too much.
Charge your leisure bat once a month min, 24hrs min, and just before you go away
What voltage is the LB reading ? Measure 24hours after driving? Or turn on one of the rear lights for 30 seconds before taking the reading ( turn the light off before taking the reading)

I would not rely on a dealer to certify a battery as being OK
It should run off the leisure battery even with the rubbish wiring I would have thought even if it’s for a few hours.

You need to set the voltage cutout to its lowest setting on the fridge that is.

Are you plugged into the 12v outlet behind then
B pillar? They should all be on the LB.

There is no control panel or read out of voltage on the beach. Get a cheap plug in voltmeter from amazon, one with USB outlets is useful. I then leave that plugged in and I can constantly see what the battery level is. It should be over 12V. 13V on my beach when it’s fully charged from hookup.

The engine only charges the LB to about 80% from memory.

My beach was wired incorrectly and wasn’t charging on hookup. When you hookup you should see the voltage jump over 13V just like when you drive you’ll see the same thing. Worth checking.

Then if none of that works then it’s hard wired Anderson connection like Amarillo describes.

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To be Clear Nelios is talking about the LB charging from hook up ( once per month as a minimum)
It should run off the leisure battery even with the rubbish wiring I would have thought even if it’s for a few hours.

You need to set the voltage cutout to its lowest setting on the fridge that is.

Are you plugged into the 12v outlet behind then
B pillar? They should all be on the LB.

There is no control panel or read out of voltage on the beach. Get a cheap plug in voltmeter from amazon, one with USB outlets is useful. I then leave that plugged in and I can constantly see what the battery level is. It should be over 12V. 13V on my beach when it’s fully charged from hookup.

The engine only charges the LB to about 80% from memory.

My beach was wired incorrectly and wasn’t charging on hookup. When you hookup you should see the voltage jump over 13V just like when you drive you’ll see the same thing. Worth checking.

Then if none of that works then it’s hard wired Anderson connection like Amarillo describes.

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Thanks for this, I've got it working now on the low setting (which I didn't know about), and seems to drop the temp down to 4 degrees no bother without cutting out. I also didn't know I could charge the leisure battery from hookup at home, which I'll now keep on top of. I wonder how much other stuff I don't know

I also have just found out that my wash fluid indicator is not doesn't have one.....Jeeeez what were they thinking! Will keep a bottle in the boot from now on.
Glad you got it sorted
The forum is wonderful like that
See the link below
Happy reading
Like others, started having a few issues with my Dometic fridge cutting out in my beach. I'm planning to hard wire to the leisure battery as well but after reading through the various threads i remember seeing a poster saying they'd wired a ctek cable to the battery with connector. Then fit a ctek connector to the fridge. That way the fridge could be unplugged and a ctek battery charger connected to charge the leisure battery.
So my question is, and it may be a dumbass one, apart from the ctek charger giving a clear indication of the level of charge, is there any other advantage to this given the ctek charger still needs to have a 240v supply.

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