Dream achieved!

Dan Hargreaves

Dan Hargreaves

T5 SE 180
Hi Everyone - After months of agonising over whether to convert a panel van or by a Cali, we did the sensible thing and buy a 13 plate VW California SE 2.0 180BHP BMT Manual. WE've had it for less than 5 days so it's very early days, so really looking forward to adventures this summer!
Hi Dan welcome where did you buy your cali??
Congratulations and welcome to the forum!

rare ....most here buy new and have to wait months on delivery and posting all sorts questions on what ...and if....how long....;)

You on the otherhand got yourself instant fun...WELCOME
Welcome Dan, great time to buy, enjoy :thumb
A hugely big happy grin hello to you ....

a good choice I think, Albert is in the car park nodding in agreement ....

Welcome, hello and have fun.
Hi Dan, you did do the sensible thing and won't regret it. Enjoy:thumb

Hi Dan, you did do the sensible thing and won't regret it. Enjoy:thumb



There is nothing sensible about the Cali ...

For 10k less you can have something 7 metres long, 4 metres high, bigger fridge, ....

Tow it or drive it, normally drive it with e wheezing 130bhp fiat engine ....

Enough room to hold a celidh in, wide enough to get two parking tickets instead of one ...

But you will have to do without the Cali smile, which is priceless ....

There is nothing sensible about the Cali ...

For 10k less you can have something 7 metres long, 4 metres high, bigger fridge, ....

Tow it or drive it, normally drive it with e wheezing 130bhp fiat engine ....

Enough room to hold a celidh in, wide enough to get two parking tickets instead of one ...

But you will have to do without the Cali smile, which is priceless ....
In relation to the other choice (of a conversion), it's sensible :)
BTW I had a Knaus low profile on the Fiat 130bhp and it had plenty of power .... I saw close on 3 figures on the speedo, no problems in the outside lane of the motorway:D
I saw close on 3 figures on the speedo, no problems in the outside lane of the motorway:D

Try switching the display from Kph to Mph next time ......

Also I got it wrong, my white box on wheels was a Pilote on a Peugeot, that almost achieved three figures .... Number of times returned to the dealer :(

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